2. Jihoon

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Trigger warning: There will be some violence in this chapter. Please read at your own discretion.



The room beyond the van's doors was white. Almost as if it was an emptied-out hospital or a lab. Two unfamiliar men came on. The same ones who'd thrown Wonwoo into the van stepped on and grabbed all three of us, dragging us out of the van and around it into a hallway as my body screamed bloody murder in protest from my injuries. A few turns and up a flight of stairs, the three of us were pushed into a room with sofas decorating the floor and some nice shelves with books and decorations on top. A small tea table made of glass stood on a red rug in between the sofas. Almost as if this was a room meant to host guests. I wanted to laugh considering I was anything but a guest right now.

"Kneeling on the floor!" one of them commanded and my omega whimpered as we all sank to the floor, head down in submission.

"I'll bring them in" the other one said and left the room. My body felt as if it was on fire just from the journey up. Breathing came less painful but was harder as I fought through my panic. There was the sound of the door creaking open again, our heads still downcast. Damn the submissive nature of omegas. No rank should have power over the other like this. At a command from an unfamiliar voice, my head snapped up and from my periphery, I can see Wonwoo and Tae were doing the same. In front of us were three unfamiliar alphas. All looking as if they were in their Middle Ages. At least 40. The greed and cold cruelty in their eyes shone more brightly than others and a feeling of dread set into the pit of my stomach. This was it. The rest of my life in a prison made by an alpha much older than me only to be violated against my own will. I was only 18. I would never meet my mate. The mate the Goddess herself had chosen for me as she did for all wolves. Even if I did, I'd be tainted. Would he even want me then? Or if I was forced to breed and give birth, would he accept that as well? At this point, death was seeming to be a better choice for every second that ticked by.

One alpha with a bald head and a brown beard who looked as if he came out of a Russian movie leaned over Tae, into his neck and I heard a loud breathing in as he took in my best friend's scent. I can see Tae's body rake into a fierce trembling and the air permeated with all three of our pheromones clouded by the scent of fear. Another alpha walked up to Wonwoo, but before I had the chance to even register the last alpha was leaning towards me and into my neck. Then two more times, each alpha pressed themselves into my neck. An alpha who sported blond dishevelled hair with green eyes and a greasy hue to his skin pointed to me.

"I'll take him" he said in a gruff and scratchy voice and the look in his face was shining so bright with the promise of pain and torture. Hands grabbed me from the back and pulled me up, dragging me out of the room and the last thing I saw was the trembling forms of my fellow omegas as the other two alphas towered over them. Before I knew it, I was being pushed into a bedroom. White sheets covered the bed and a suitcase on the left was open and I could see clothes neatly folded inside. The room stunk of the scent of the alpha who'd chosen me. I was turned around to face the door of the room and pushed to kneel down in submission again.

"He's all yours. The payment?" I heard.

"I'll have it transferred to you by tomorrow. Now leave." The alpha said. The thought of being alone with this disgusting man set of trembles in me like I'd never had. The thought of not having any power over my body, having been violated and vulnerable further escalated my panic.

"Now what's your name pet?" The alpha command in the voice had stripped me of my freewill.

"Lee Jihoon" I heard my voice come out in a whimper against my wishes. But alpha commands were nearly impossible to go against.

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