3. Soonyoung

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Ok so I totally got a full on ab workout watching the new GoSe episode. Mingyu lied when he said Joshua was a crazy guy. They all are crazy. My jaw and cheeks ache. And I swear it took me an hour to move on from that final scene with my baby Woozi. Anyways... continue.



A frown had etched itself onto my face as I entered the hospital in the pack's main centre. Jun had told me that Seungcheol had gone to see Hannie hyung and check up on the two other omegas that were saved from near rape along with Wonwoo. How could someone have the terrible idea to sell omegas in some other pack's territory, and also a kidnapped omega from a different pack knowing it was grounds for war. Or even omegas from their own pack. In fact, how anyone can stomach the idea of selling anyone for monetary value leaves me speechless and with my blood boiling. I approach the reception desk for our Lead Alpha's whereabouts and when the omega at the desk gives me a room on the third floor, I head to the stairs instead of the elevator. Wanting to blow of some steam from the physical activity it could provide. But as I made my way up the second flight, my legs itch with a bigger need to run. I feel my alpha wolf push himself up to the surface, demanding to give control. Something has him excited and agitated. We wolves follow instincts better than anything and are taught from a young age that it's important we follow them, whether to help keep the pack safe or yourself safe. As I enter the third-floor hallway, I start feeling a strange and electric tingling creeping up my legs. My heart beats faster and the tiniest tinge of a sweet scent I don't yet recognise teases my nose and gets stronger the closer I get to the room I needed to get to. The moment I open the door into the hospital room, my eyes land on the most beautiful man I'd ever layed my eyes on. His long back locks lay settled around his head and the scent of roses permeated the air and I stopped dead in my tracks.


My mate. My other half. In the hospital bed and staring at me in a flurry of panic and retreating in on himself before going limp in his bed ripped a growl from my lips. Someone had hurt my mate to the point that he would be scared of me. My alpha fully managed to claw his way all the way up to the surface and I make a step towards him, determined to make sure no one gets near him, when another alpha stands between me and him. An arm reached out to the other blonde omega next to my mate's bed. Another unmated alpha keeping me from my mate. My wolf was seething. But before I could take another step forward, bulky pale arms wrap around me, holding me in place. I recognise Seungcheol's scent and then Hannie hyung's sweet scent invades me as he places his hand on my shoulder. Not wanting to hurt my hyung, I stop struggling.

"Calm down Sonnyoungie. Did you imprint on him? Is he your mate?" He asks. It's all I could to nod as I feel my eyes fill with tears.

"He's scared of me. He's hurt hyung." I turn to him and Seungcheol's arms unwind from around my waist. Instantly, I feel my hyung's arms come around me, pulling me into a warm hug. There was something about Jeonghan that drew you to him in times of need. He was almost like a mother... In fact, scratch that. He was a mother. He mothers anyone he decides is his kid so Cheol hyung is forced to father alongside his mate. Not that he complains. He loves us as much we love him.

"Alright. Are we calm now? Why don't we all grab a seat first and I'll talk and explain?" Seokjin hyung's voice interrupts me from this moment and I look up to see him move away from my mate's IV. Jeonghan's hand clasps mine and he leads me to Jihoon's bedside. All this time, the other two, the omega and alpha watch me with hawk eyes. Jeonghan makes me sit on the edge of the bed and places my hand on top of my mate's. My entire being erupts in fireworks at the contact.

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