12. Soonyoung

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Three days have passed since the day of our shopping trip. The next day, we had helped all three settle in and sort out all the mountains of clothes we'd bought. I also spent a good amount of time helping Jihoon understand how the phone worked and the functions it had. He'd spent the last two days learning and exploring how his new devices worked. I suggested the idea of him taking his exams with me, Wonwoo and Junhui that we'd postponed due to the situation we'd got going on. He'd accepted and started reviewing the specifications while he learnt how to work the laptop and phone. Meanwhile, I spent a lot of time communicating back and forth with the officials and the investigators. Another thing was I'd find myself more often than not getting lost in my beautiful mate's presence. Like I am now as I stare at him, memorising his features and the way his locks frame his face naturally and how a light bush covered his adorable bread cheeks as we stood in the elevator going up to Jin hyung's office for his check up.

"What?" He turns to me. I just shake my head, nothing, as the elevator dings and the door opens up. We enter Jin hyung's office to see his typing away on the keyboard. He smiles and gestures us to take the seats in front of his desk.

"Jihoon. How are you feeling?"

"Good. There's no pain now. And I also think I put on some weight in the last three days." Jihoon's been eating very well after Jeonghan hyung made it his mission to make Jihoon feel like a seal and a penguin after every meal.

"That's good. Right. Let's get your scans then. That's the main thing." Jin hyung and Jihoon go off into another section. When they come back, Jin hyung reviews the scans and smiles.

"Looks like you're all good Jihoonie! I see nothing on your scans. I do suggest mild exercises to overall strengthen your entire body. Food and exercise. Your body is still a little weak, but it will take time so go at your own pace." He delivers the good news. Jihoon smiles and nods yes before we're let go. As we make our way into the empty elevator, I bring him into my arms and leave a kiss on his head.

"Congratulations, baby!" He giggles and tiptoes to leave a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you for helping me through it!" I shake my head no and lead us out of the building.

"You shouldn't have to thank me for taking on my responsibility as your mate."

"Still. There are those who don't and I'm thankful you do." The fact that he had to point that out had me feeling gutted. He should have had a wonderful family whose dad did take on his responsibilities as a father and an Omega father who wasn't driven to commit suicide with his child. I remember him telling me about his spot at the river that he felt was his safe place and now that he is fully healed, I have the perfect replacement.

"Come on. I've got something planned for us." I say as I drag him onto the path leading to the forest.

"What? Where are we going?" He tilts his head cutely when he looks to me. I only smile in response as we continue down our path. As we reach the tree line, I turn to him, "You'll love it I promise." I say, "Now when was the last time you shifted?"

"Shifted? Umm..." He doesn't remember the last time he shifted? "Maybe when I was 14. As me and Tae got busy with schools and responsibilities, it didn't leave much time for play. Mingyu always complained." I frowned. Shifting was important to the health of a wolf. It kept us in touch with our inner wolf and to our nature. Without it, it can affect our moods and even bring depression. If he hasn't shifted in so long, it might physically hurt.

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