18. Jihoon

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I wanted to release this chapter yesterday, but damn my life, I'm allergic to UK summers. The few rare times we have good weather and I can't take my dog out for an hour without needing to claw my eyes out. Hay fever is a bitch. So I spent the last 3 days recovering from that. I couldn't even focus on my screen yesterday.

Also, don't y'all dare to argue this man named KWON SOONYOUNG/Hoshi isn't a hamster because please ^^^ He's so cute.



Fluttery sensations tracing up and down my bare back wake me and the scent that I've grown to adore and find solace in over the last month embraced me as I opened my eyes. Soonyoung was laying on his back and I was pulled on top of him as his fingertips grazed my back. I lift my head and prop my chin over his chest.

"Good morning." It's become a habit now over the last two weeks for us to wake up in each other's arms and have someone to share the new day with.

"Good morning." Soonyoung smiles, "How are you feeling?"

"A little sore, but not so much that I can't manage the day."

"I'm sorry." He frowns.

"Don't you dare apologise." He's developed a habit of apologising for any pain or discomfort caused by our nightly activities. The pain wasn't to the point where I couldn't stand. It was more of a dull ache in my lower back. A nice reminder of the beautiful reality I've found myself in.

"Are you ready for today?" I ask. He's been stressing over today for the last two weeks. But even before that, he was over stressing since the day we came back from the interviews. The next day, I finally managed to coax it out of him. He was determined to put Lee Juhyuk behind bars where he won't be able to hurt me again, or even have the chance to. He spent a lot of time going back and forth between the neutral territory and the pack to sort the state trial out, which is to take pace in another couple of hours.

"As ready as I can be, I guess. But still, it's a little different this time. I'm not only the usual legal representative for the pack, but also, I'll be testifying as your mate."

"You'll be fine. We have everything straight." I reassure him. He spent hours just making sure that everything was in order and prepared for today. And then a couple more to prepare us for testimonies. Still, he seems unsure, but before I have the time to say anything, He's placing a kiss on my forehead and lifting me off our bed. He walks us into the bathroom and places me down in the shower stall. We're both already naked so there was no time wasted in turning on the water and waiting the few seconds it took to warm up, before I stand underneath, pulling Soonyoung to me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tiptoe while pulling him down so that I can kiss him. The pitter patter of the shower fades into the background. His arms wrap around my waist as he tugs at me until our hips are joined, and I let out a breathy moan. The way this man handles me will be the death of me. It always left me breathless and weightless. As if I was floating. Before all too long though, I pull away. He sighs, before he bends and nuzzles into the crook of my neck. A gentle kiss to my mark had me curling my toes for a brief moment. It triggers something as a sudden rush wrecks through me. Desire. While I'd desired Soonyoung during our times in bed, I've never instigated anything, but my stomach churned with desire and anticipation. If I looked a little closely, my mark on my alpha mate was visible faintly. But it brought about such feeling I cannot describe that, without even realising, I latched onto he neck over it as I sucked and nipped. A husky groan slipped out of him, and I felt his fingers dig into my hips in a death grip. The taste of his skin on my tongue under the shower was addictive. Once I was satisfied of the blue mark blossoming over my mating mark, I moved on, lower and lower, until I was kneeling in front of him, his member right it in line with my face.

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