20. Soonyoung

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I'm back guys! I've been wanting to update for so long, but just the opportunity to finalise this chapter took so long. This book is finally coming to an end and I wasn't sure how to end it and I ended up drafting a lot of times.


"... There are further investigations taking place, but so far, teams of medical personnel and law enforcement officers have entered the mysterious walls of Moonwhisp. Well, not so mysterious anymore. We have some footage from the inside. We can see the alphas being escorted into escort vans and the omegas are being given medical check-ups inside the main packhouse. It seems, unlike the rumours, the land of Moonwhisp is a poverty stricken land, where the lowest ranks suffered severe abuse and disrespect. We have been given reports of the situation behind these walls. More than a hundred omegas have been screened of which 90% have been found currently injured and all of them showing signs of severe previous injuries, made more severe by their lifestyle. All of them have shown an amazingly high pain tolerance, speaking to the extent of their abuse over the last 20 years." The news reporter continued to speak on the situation. The last week had been absolutely torturous for us. The media had tried to follow us, and we had been swamped by them over the last seven days for interviews. We'd already made a statement formally, but they keep going after Jihoon. It had been stressing Jihoon out so much, he'd thrown a fit out of frustration to nights ago. The entire situation had everyone feeling a little edgy. More than once, we found media personnel sneaking into pack grounds for an exclusive. While we decided not to take any legal action, we did threaten them with it. Now we'd decided to go on a getaway. Just the thirteen of us. Jihoon's voice rings with laughter mixed with Jeonghan hyung's soft giggles. Jihoon had been accompanying Jeonghan often these days and today the two of them along with Joshua and Wonwoo went to the pack nursery. It was under Jeonghan hyung's management. Their voices grow closer and Jeonghan hyung enters with my Hoonie hanging onto his side, smiling from ear to ear. The sight automatically brought a smile onto my face. How was someone so absolutely perfect and endearing? His smile brights up the entire room. As soon as our eyes met, he walks over and plonks himself next to me, leaning onto my shoulder. Another thing that's changed. He's become a little clingy. As soon as he's in reach, I don't waste time in kissing him. Well, for a second before he pushes me away with red cheeks.

"What about the kids? Are they back from school yet?" Jeonghan hyung also takes a seat on the sofa.

"Not yet. Seungcheol hyung is helping Mingyu and Jun with the luggage loading. No one else dropped by."

Naturally, we all focus on the TV with nothing much to talk...

"I'm hungry..." Jihoon's voice comes out a little whiny and I look down to see him tucked into my side and an adorable pout on his lips, mindlessly staring into space. But it makes me smile. He's voicing out his desires more and more these days and it makes me happy to see him want to eat outside of usual mealtimes.

"What do you want to eat, baby?" I stand, prepared to head into the kitchen. Not even sure to do...

"Where do you think you're going Soonie? You can't even cook water." Jeonghan hyung calls out. He's not wrong. I tried making pasta once. I left the water and pasta to boil and forgot about it. Luckily, Jeonghan hyung found it before the kitchen burnt down. The result? A gloop. And I don't mean just the pasta. I mean the entire dish that it was being boiled in. We had to replace the stove.

"Sit down Soonyoung." Jihoon giggled. "I want... chips."

His pout was back.

"Let me see if we have any in the air fryer." I say.

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