10. Jihoon

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I slowly came to consciousness wrapped in a scent of calm and serenity as memories of yesterday came back to me. My lips tingled as I remember all the times Soonyoung kissed me yesterday and the peck I gave him. I've never felt so elated. Happy. Despite the pain my ribs have given me. Even when his kisses and hugs took the breath from me. I barely felt the pain. I turn my head to look at Soonyoung, considering lying on my sides would have put pressure on my ribs. One of his arms are around my hips and he's lying on his side, facing me, face so close, I feel his breath on my forehead. He stirs briefly and his arms pull me even closer as he squints at me through his sleepy haze. A lopsided grin paint his face as he presses another gentle kiss to my forehead and my breath hitches. My face is also mirroring his grin as I press a kiss to his cheek.

"Morning Jihoon." He nuzzles into my neck as I giggle at the sensation of his breath against my neck.

"Morning, Soonyoung." I greet back and feel him still suddenly. Did I say something wrong? He snaps his head up to face me.

"Say my name again please." He leans over me and places his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes. Then I realise. I've never called Soonyoung by name. He always lead the conversations.

"Soonyoung?" It comes out as a whisper and then his lips are on mine. I close my eyes and relish the moment as he moves his lips over mine passionately. I follow him as he leads, and my arms come to grab at his sides as brings a knee over to the other side of me and his chest just about brushes mine. His hands grab at my waist. My hands move up from his sides to his chest and I place them there, level to his heart, feeling it thud under my fingertips. When his hips brush against mine in a sensual matter, pulling a grasp out of me, his tongue meets mine. A moan slips out of me, but I'm too over my head to feel embarrassed. Hands slip under my shirt, massaging my waist. We lose ourselves in the moment as he kisses the me to oblivion, barely pulling apart for air.

It's not until we hear a ring from the bedside chest that we pull away, and Soonyoung picks up his phone, gives the screen a swipe before putting it by his hear.

"Morning hyung." He greets, "Yes, yes. I know... Yeah... We'll be down after freshening up. Ok, see you in a bit." He taps again and puts the phone back where it was. He leans down one more time to peck my lips.

"We're going to the neutral territory today. The court's clinic has to do your physical examination. It will help our argument if a court's doctor testifies about your condition against your father."

I only nod as I feel my cheeks burn.

"Why don't we freshen up. Get ready to go out. We'll meet everyone at breakfast before we go."

"Ok." Soonyoung leaves to go to his own room, and I stumble out of bed to grab a simple fit. Some tracks and a loose cotton t-shirt. Then head off to the shower. I'm in front of the mirror brushing my hair when Soonyoung knocks. Quickly grabbing the medical bag, I make my way out. This time, it's me who grabs Soonyoung's hand and leads him down to the elevator. The pain has lessened significantly from the yesterday, and I feel myself more energised than ever before. When we walk into the dining area, it's a little different. There is a simple toast and different types of breads with an assortment of spreads on the table, but it was the people that caught me off guard. Dr Seokjin, Jungkook and Tae are also in the room munching on some toast.

"Hoonie!" Tae exclaims and flings himself at me gently. He lets out a giggle and it's then I notice something. His scent is different. What used to be a pure scent of lavender is now mixed with Jungkook's peppermint and on Tae's neck, I see a silver marking his neck and can't help but gasp.

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