15. Soonyoung

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sdfhsdhfiueqhfui Excuse me Lee Jihoon! ou have no business stopping my heart like that looking that pretty!



Another week passes by in a flash as me and Jihoon spend more time together, strengthening our mate bond and also helping him settle into his life here. We found him a professional MIDI course so that he could start learning how to produce his ideas digitally and he's spent a lot of time over the last week with his face buried into his notation book, putting in all his previously produced pieces in there. He also ended up spending a lot of time with Joshua hyung, and they'd both be in the lounge with their guitars. In the meantime, I would head to work. I had to head out of the territory multiple times, but by the time I would get back, he would always have finished whatever he had to, and we would spend our evenings together, whether in the bedroom, or going for small dinners and walks. He seems to have really found his pace here. He's put on a little bit of weight healthily and his physical health seems to be getting better and better every day.

Me on the other hand got busy with acquiring evidence and helping to build our case. However, what was being put off cannot be put off any longer. Two weeks have passed and now the trial date is approaching fast. We will have to put our full focus on these cases. Almost back to normal life except for the fact that I have a sense of completeness as I feel my bond with Jihoon all the time and it feels as if his presence is there even when he's not. Feeling his settled peace settled me in a way that no amount of stress overwhelmed me over the last week.

"So, what's the summary Soonyoung. What more are we dealing with exactly? What do we need to be prepared for."

"So, more and more evidence is coming out. I think it's best for all of us to convene." I say. "I just got an email and there have been more developments now."

He nods and picks up his phone. My phone dings a few seconds later and I know it's him sending his message in the group chat.

A few minutes later, people start filing in. Jeonghan with Dino and Hoseok hyung looking tired and a little pale. I frowned; he's been looking ill often these days. I'm going to have to make sure to ask later. Then Shua hyung with Jihoon, Seungkwan and Seokmin. This group seems to be one we're seeing often now. Jihoon's eyes find mine and he smiles before making his way over to me. I couldn't help but notice the spring in his step as he made his way over. He settles next to me, and I wrap my arm around his shoulder, and he lays his head on my shoulder. Then, Vernon enters with Mingyu, Wonwoo and Taehyung. And finally, before long, Namjoon hyung is entering with Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Jimin hyung and Jungkook. A few moments are taken for introductions for Jihoon and greetings, but we're all settled down for a chat in less than five minutes.

"So, what's this about?" Namjoon hyung asks.

"Well. The first thing is that we have the trials coming up. I'm going to have to explain how that will work. And also, developments." Seungcheol hyung starts and then nods to me.

"So, we have two different trials going on." I say, grabbing Jihoon's hand. "One is the state prosecution against Lee Juhyuk and the Moonwhisp pack. For the illegal activities and negligence. The second is us against basically Jihoon's whole family. For abuse and negligence as well. The state's prosecution trial is up first. Then ours. But the good thing is there's so much evidence, victory is basically guaranteed for us. In both trials. So, the new development is that there is enough evidence that an arrest warrant has been issued for your dad. And also, one is under review for all the other co-leading alphas of Moonwhisp pack." I feel Jihoon squeeze my hand in response. A sense of unease filtered through my psyche as Jihoon's form tensed. I pause to place a kiss on his temple before continuing. "Now that the two weeks is up, the investigators will have to interrogate both Taehyung hyung and Jihoon, to get their side of the story. As for the defence, there's not much they can play by. They can claim the lack of knowledge, but Mingyu's testimony will help solidify that along with a few omegas they managed to rescue from earlier on in the operations twenty years ago. He supervised the floor work until he could trust the business enough to only give out orders."

"How did they manage to hide the smuggling and black market transactions for so long?" Namjoon hyung perks up.

"Yeah, I mean 20 to 30 omegas disappearing a month would be noticed right?" That was Yoongi hyung.

"It would if the disappearances were concentrated. That's not the case. The omegas were nabbed from a wide range of areas to make sure not to arouse suspicion. The kidnaps were so geologically diluted they blended into usual statistics. And they wouldn't have had so many transactions right from the beginning. The growth in business would have also contributed to the growth in the national statistics as well. And they disguised this business behind a trading business. Omegas were smuggled with their goods, and the security checks aren't that tight. After nabbing omegas, they take them to a branch house, where they either get sold right away and then went home with the person who bought them or were smuggled to an overseas auction."

"How many omegas are they estimating were involved?" Seokmin asks.

"Not exactly sure but based on all transactions that they've analysed, approximately 2500 over the last 20 years." I sigh. The act itself was disgusting enough, but the numbers really his home in the sense of scale.

"And investigations? I'm sure there would have been Missing Persons reports." Seungcheol speaks up.

"Yeah. For those outside the pack. Many of the omegas came from Moonwhisp. Not one Missing Persons report was filed." I reply.

"Not one?" Mingyu gapes. "In 20 YEARS!" His exclamation draws all our attention as he looks to Tae and then Jihoon.

Anger. Numbers really put the facts out there. Not days or months. But YEARS. And more anger broils into the mix and I realise, it's not from me but Jihoon.

"We were always told that any omega that disappeared left the pack to be with their mate. Their own families attested through this and nothing more was ever said about it. In the few cases where there were omegas disappearing, and cases were filed internally, the case was made with the external authorities. And that was all. And there weren't that many omegas disappearing that had cases filed. But omegas often disappeared with the excuse that they'd eft the pack for their mate. Nothing came out of the investigations we were told were going on." Jihoon's free hand clutched into a fist.

"We never believed everything. We knew that there was something going on. Someone. Never the leader himself." Taehyung replied.

"These people are disgusting." Hoseok hyung spat. We sat in silence for a bit.

"So next steps?" Suga hyung asks.

"Well, interrogations first. I'm going to have to help you prepare for the interviews. How to answer, how to act and what to expect and so on. Mingyu they might want to talk to you again since new evidence keep popping out."

Seungcheol sighed and nodded. Yeah. This is quite a headache.

"I want to testify." Jihoon states from next to me. My head snaps to him. Feelings of determination seeped through the bond but had an undertone of fear and nervousness.

"You don't have to, baby. We have enough." I look into his eyes. I don't want him to force himself in anyway.

He looks me dead in the eye for a second.

"I'm afraid of him." He pauses. "I don't like to show it and I aways held my ground. But I hated the fear I felt when I would stand in front of that desk. I've found a better life now and I want to make them pay for all the devastation they caused. I want to overcome the fear." His eyes shine with determination and I cannot say no to that. He was taking a step towards healing. I can't deny him that, so I can only be there by his side as support. Leaning in, I give him a tender kiss on his forehead and squeezed his hand.

"And I will be right there next to you, holding your hand."


Guys, please let me know what ship I should do next. I can't decide. 

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