16. Soonyoung

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So, I've now decided. With the help of a lovely fellow writer, the next book will be a Jeongcheol au. Details will be out soon. I'm just ironing out the last few details!!



The next four days were spent in me coaching Jihoon, Wonwoo, Mingyu and Taehyung how to deal with the pressure of the interrogations that would be imposed on them by the authorities. They purposely made the interrogation seem more intimidating to make sure they were getting the truth as much as possible. Of course, we have nothing but the truth anyway. I needed to let them know what they should expect and how to act. And that gets to us today. The day I'd been trying to push off for as long as possible for Jihoon.

I pull up in front of the station, with Namjoon and Seungcheol hyung accompanying me and Jihoon, Mingyu and Taehyung. Of course, Jungkook and Wonwoo came along. Walking in, we file into the waiting room. Seungcheol hyung takes care of the reception work as I hold Jihoon's hand, rubbing circles over it. He seemed somewhat calm for what was going on, and it brought on my worry for him. Soon, Officer Hyungmin walks in, and I rise to greet him.

"Guys, this is Officer Hyungmin. He's in charge of the investigation."

"I hope you are all feeling better. Nice to meet you guys. Now this is nothing too serious. Nothing pointing to either of you as suspects or anything. Now I just need Jihoon, Taehyung, Wonwoo and Mingyu. The rest of you can wait here." He starts. Then turns and signals us to follow. Grabbing Jihoon's hand again, I lead us after him. "So, the way this is going to work is all of you, will be interviewed separately. Your mates are, of course, welcome. Taehyung, you will be down in that room. Mingyu, down there." He points to their respective rooms. Mingyu takes a moment to kiss Wonwoo goodbye and leaves. Both Mingyu and Wonwoo were involved in the incident so they wouldn't be able to accompany each other in their interrogations. Taehyung and Jungkook also leave. Hyungmin leads us down some more hallways and points to one of two doors, "Wonwoo, through that door. And you guys can follow me." We nod and follow into the other room.

It was just a simple room. Nothing to it other than the classic white walls, and a table in the middle decorated with a jug of water and some glasses. We take a seat on one side. I look to him to see his eyes are trained on the ground; eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll be right back." Officer Hyungmin leaves the room swiftly. Probably to see what we'll do when left alone. Meh. We have nothing to hide. I squeeze his hands and his eyes look up to meet mine. I see no fear in his face. Just nervousness.

"Don't overthink. Trust me. We'll be fine. We did nothing wrong." I lean forward to get a quick kiss. He does relax and smiles up at me.

"I'm not scared. Just nervous. Not for me but the repercussions if what we are doing doesn't go our way. There were so many innocent omegas harmed, some of them probably dead. What my father did, can only be akin to murder. If we don't stop him, I hate to think what other consequences it would have." I would too. But I'm confident in our cases. I can't make this any easier for him, but I can only be there next to him as support so that he can lean back on me whenever he wants to or needs to. We sit like that in comfortable silence, my thumb still rubbing circles over his hand. Soon, Officer Hyungmin returns with notebooks and two pads with papers and some pens in his hand. He places one pad each in front of me and Jihoon and starts explaining the rights noted on there.

"Ok, these are forms for conditions you are agreeing to for this interview. First of all, please be noted that since the moment you stepped into the room, the cameras were rolling and we, as the investigative body and prosecution have the right to use all that was filmed in court whether it be in favour or against you if wrongdoing is discovered. You, as the interviewee have the right to remain silent, and the right to representation. You also have the freedom to exercise your right to your partner in the interview as a victim as long as he is confirmed to not be involved in the case." He lists out the points one after the other. "Are there any questions?"

"No." Jihoon shakes his head.

"Soonyoung, can I ask you to wait outside please?" I nod and leave. He would need Jihoon's verbal consent without me in the room. There is another officer outside watching the corridor. A few minutes later, when I'm called back into the room, Jihoon is signing on the dotted line in agreement to the conditions. Ok. Now my turn.

"Soonyoung, I'm sure you know your conditions. You must not in any way influence Jihoon's answers through coercion or otherwise, but only as a representative as your role suggests." I nod as he follows through most of the same points Jihoon had as well. Once I've signed as well, the pads are put to the side and the interview begins. As soon as the questioning begins, Jihoon's hand reaches out to mine. Hand-in-hand, Jihoon weathers the questioning. I have to grit my teeth and breathe as Jihoon was forced to relive that day he was taken, his body trembling as he recalled the moment in front of his father, his brother's abuse, the excruciating moments after that, his evening and by the time he got to meeting Wonwoo, he was trembling. The following part of the story had me and my wolf itching with bloodthirst for these people who had wronged my innocent mate. I could do nothing in those long minutes of his narrative but breathe through it as tears stung my eyes. Once he finishes with the last moment he remembers before he was saved and lost consciousness, his trembling hand tightens around mine and I quickly grab a glass and pour water from the jug and bring it up to his lips. He takes a shaky sip before gently pushing the glass away. I put it back onto the table.

"I'm sorry I had to ask you that. But it was necessary." Officer Hyungmin's voice softens. He continues to ask about life as a Moonwhisp pack member and as Jihoon describes life, it became all too obvious that the pack fostered a toxic, hierarchical and violent environment. And one that also engraved fear in omegas as more and more omegas disappeared and never returned. Living with the fear that they might be the next omega to disappear, never to be seen again.

And finally, the hardest part of the process came. The photo line-up. When six photos were put in front of him, Jihoon naturally hunched in on himself and that was my breaking point. I stand up and put my arms around him, hoping to calm him down. It takes a few minutes, but it works. He uncurls himself and finally points to the alpha in the top right corner. The rest of the interview goes by in a blur as I answer a few questions about our meeting and the aftermath of the incident, but soon, we're walking out of the interrogation room and into the waiting area where Namjoon and Seungcheol hyung were waiting. They rise at the sight of us and bring the both of us into a warm hug. Looks like Taehyung, Mingyu nor Wonwoo were back yet. That though were the least of my worries. The tension that the interrogation brought on in Jihoon was so tangible through the bond, it almost felt like mine.

"How'd it go?" Namjoon asks.

"Nothing too unexpected. But considering he had to tell them about that day, it was pretty tough on him." They can only sight and sit back down nodding. I look to Jihoon who was now standing next to the window looking outside. I walk over and wrap my arms around him from behind. And we stand there in comfortable silence. This wasn't going to be an easy battle. But I know we'll get through it like we always do because we have genuine support back at home. We have a pack. One that cares and strengthens us from the inside. But we never expected the one storm that we were left to weather as we head out into the large front driveway of the station before getting home into the arms of our family.


I was going to make this chapter a little longer, but the last two days have been so hectic, I haven't had too much time to breathe soo... I'll try to update before tomorrow again!!

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