19. Jihoon

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I'm sorry but the 'talking basalt' gets me rolling every time.



The courtroom's chatter is loud as we enter and file into the seats labelled for the main people participating today. Me, Soonyoung, Mingyu and Jin hyung take our seats as those to be called forward during this trial and the rest sat behind in the front row seat. The officers participating in the investigation enter and slowly, the courtroom which was filled with chatter becomes quiet as the prosecutors, judges and the defence lawyers enter and take their place on the stage. It doesn't take long for the seats to be taken and the prosecutors' side to list the numerous charges they are pressing. The list goes on for a long while. Then finally, they proceed with my father's entrance. In handcuffs, accompanied by two bodyguards on each side to prevent him from acting out. When I look at him and his eyes meet mine as he goes to take a seat, I'm struck with a sense of peace. The man I'd feared so much, because he'd had my life in his hands no longer was intimidating. I'd never seen him look so powerless. And once the evidence started to be presented one by one, the numbers far outweighed the defence's claims and their only argument was that due to the fake names on paper, none of those connected to Lee Juhyuk, because money made from the illegals smuggling was circulated far and wide to throw off the officials if a sniff was ever caught. It travelled through a complicated web before it was all drawn and taken by my father in cash. Any transactions in cash went straight to him and was put into accounts as the pack's earnings. Still, our testimonies would help increase his sentence.

Once fiscal evidence was all presented, the court was adjourned for lunch. We all made our way out and I didn't miss the way my father's eyes followed me as I walked hand-in-hand with Soonyoung. We all had no mind to look for a good restaurant, which would involve going out the front where the media were circling like vultures for a statement. I did have one prepared for after the trial, but I definitely did not want to deal with them. Instead, we headed to the back parking lot, and emptied the back of the cars which were stuffed with picnic lunches for all twenty of us. Carrying weight loads of bags and blankets, we settle in the court building's garden, on the grass. Lunch goes by in a flash as we discuss our expected result of the trial. Even with minimal knowledge of accounts, anyone can figure out that what was presented did not bode well at all. The cross-examination of my father went satisfyingly amazing. He, who used to shout and scream with the confidence of power was reduced to a blubbering stuttering fool who could do no more than say, "I don't remember."

I plate another sandwich from the pile when another filled cup of orange juice is placed in front of me.

"Soonyoung, I keep drinking like that and I'll need a bathroom break during my witness statement." But despite that I smile. He's probably under more stress than anyone else right now, but he's still paying me every attention. He nods and kisses the side of my head in the same comforting way he always does before turning to Seungcheol hyung who had a mountain of questions, trying to understand the situation in more detail. I get through half of the sandwich in my plate and suddenly, I don't feel like eating anymore. My appetite seems to have completely vanished, so I sit there in thought, slowly picking at the remaining half.

"Hoonie, you need to eat more." Jeonghan hyung probably noticed me eating less today. Not just now, but this afternoon the same thing happened. I just put it down to whatever today had me feeling. Soonyoung's head snaps to me so quickly, I could've sworn I heard a crack.

"I'm ok hyung. I'm just not feeling too hungry today." I reassure him. And I really was fine. My hand finds Soonyoung's again before he gets worked up.

"You've probably just got too much on your mind." Jeonghan hyung nods. Yeah. That's probably it.

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