11. Jihoon

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Is it just me or does it feel like the story is moving too slow for you guys? Let me know.



Filing into the car the same way, I lay my head on Soonyoung's shoulder the entire way feeling a little lightheaded and strained as well. But as we start reaching the commercial and retail sections of the city, I can't help but look outside the window. I'd never been to a mall. Even the shopping district in Moonwhisp was just a few shops that encouraged a few hobbies. The parking lot had many people waking in and out of the building on this hot day. Families, teenagers, and couples were all I could see. Some pups holding onto their parent's hand with ice creams in the other. We were soon all getting off and piling into the building, providing a coolness in contrast to the heat outside. Jin hyung lead us all up a floor and into a restaurant. At the outdoors of deliciousness set off my appetite. Soonyoung offered me a card and when I opened it up, I found the menu. But the words were foreign to me because I had no idea what half the things in this menu are.

"What do you want Jihoonie?" Soonyoung whispered.

"I don't know. You choose. I don't know half the things on here."

"You didn't have these things in Moonwhisp? They are the types of food that people eat often." His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me.

"No. Most of the food offered to omegas were pretty monotonous. Sandwiches or a bunch of salads. There wasn't a lot of choice. Higher ranks of course had it better. Deltas and above actually did something for the pack. In defence and what not. They had meats and a larger variety. But even that was limited." I responded back.

Looking up, I realise that Tae and Mingyu were in the same situation and Jeonghan and Jin hyung were frowning. They throw one look at each other and Jin hyung signals the waiter over.

He goes around the table, taking the orders that Soonyoung and Jungkook chose and then starts mass ordering others as well.

"Hyung. That's too much!" Tae exclaims.

"Quiet. You'll get to taste everything you need to. We'll take the extras home for dinner." He stomps out the protest that Tae had, and I don't even bother. Instead, I reach out to grab Soonyoung's hand only to feel his lips pressing another kiss to my temples. Lunch passes in a flurry of naggings as they filled our plates with a bit of every variety of dishes from the menu. By the end of it, I felt more akin to a penguin than a human. Everything else that was left over was packed up and Jungkook and Soonyoung went to put them in the car. When they were back, we made our way out of the restaurant, only to enter a clothing shop.

"You three. Start picking out clothes." Jeonghan hyung commanded. Soonyoung dragged me by the hand towards the shirts section. He picked one up and put it up to my torso and smiled.

"Baby. Even your size is cute!" He cooed causing my cheeks to warm. Cute? I'm an adult. Then he let go of my arm and started frenzy picking shirts off the rails.

"Wait. I don't need that many!" Even back at Moonwhisp, I only had about 5 sets of clothes and I did fine on them for years.

"We'll try some on. Some we'll just buy." He replied, continuing to pick out more shirts.
Then swiftly exited the isle. I followed him to the trousers section.

"What's your size?" He asked simply, surveying the isle.

"Umm. 24? I think." At my reply, he snapped to me and leaned down pressing a kiss to my lips. A smile stretched out on his face.

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