6. Jihoon

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OMG the comeback and today's GoSe episode had me dead and rolling in the grave with laughter... I feel attacked. Like who did they think we were to be able to handle the masterpiece that was delivered!!



Once, Jeonghan hyung excused himself, leaving me and Soonyoung alone in the room, an awkward silence issued. His fresh scent permeated the air, bringing in a sense of safety, as if I was back at the spring in the forest. Soonyoung stood by the door in loose tracks and a baggy white shirt. He was dressed so simple yet pulled it off so well. His black hair looked slightly wet as it cascaded down his forehead. God my mate was stunning if anything else! In my train of thought, I'd failed to notice Soonyoung smile and slowly start making his way to my bed.

"Hi." He started.

"Hi" I replied back. It feels like I've lost my words, and I don't know what to say. So, I busy myself in moving, shuffling myself closer to the edge like I did yesterday, before I looked up at him, only to meet his doe eyes already looking at me, smile on his face. I smiled back at him and patted the space next to me.

"Do you uuh... want to join me?" Why was I asking again? We'd already done something like this last night. But he silently joined me under the covers and once he was settled, he grab my hand and interlocked our fingers again. At this, I felt myself heat up and my heart raced in my chest. Crap! Am I turning into a tomato. Please don't let me turn into a tomato. I decide to at least talk, to distract myself from this embarrassment.

"Did you eat?" I ask.

"Yes. You?" I nodded at his question. "How are you feeling? Any pain?"

"Better than before. It still hurts to move but at least the bruises are almost gone. And I don't need the bandages anymore." I say and feel him squeeze my hand as he held our interlocked hand in his other hand. Looking up at him, I smiled.

"Jeonghan hyung earlier told me about something." I started. He turned his head to me, showing his full attention. "He told me about the investigation being opened about the operations that were going on in that place."

I shivered. Thinking back to that night left me unnerved. "He said that the officials might want to question me. About what happened as well as identify that alpha in a line up s..." a growl resonated through the air, and I look up to see him fighting for control with his alpha. Reaching my other hand to our middle, I placed my hand on his and saw as he regained his control. He mumbled a sorry before looking at me to continue.

"So, umm... I was hoping that you would be there with me." I said as I looked down, not wanting to see his expression if he denies. The next thing I know, my hand is being lifted from his lap and he places a gentle kiss on my knuckles, the sensation forcing me to look at him.

"Of course I will. I wasn't going to let you go in alone anyway." he says. At that, I relax next to him feeling some tension leave me as I lean my head on his shoulder. We sit in comfortable silence for a while when he starts talking again.

"There was actually something I wanted to ask you. I'm thinking of taking your family to court. To sue them. Especially your dad and brother." He says, shocking me to the core. He wanted to take on my dad in court? But when I thought about it, if my dad's rule can be put to an end, the suffering of so many innocents would be saved. "But it would mean that you would have to face them in court and testify against them. I'm sure seeing them anytime in the next forever would be all too soon, so I wanted to ask you first." He wanted to ask if I was ok with doing that? No one has ever asked me for my opinion before. He was the alpha, if he wanted to, he could have done it anyway and made me testify against them as a right. For stepping and intruding into their territory. The fact that he asked me tells me miles of the kind of man he is and it warms my heart that I was fortunate enough to get him as my soulmate.

The prospect of seeing the man I was forced to call my father and my stepbrother anytime soon set my nerves on fire, but...

"You'll be there?" I ask.

"Right next to you, holding your hand." He assures and I know that I'd be able to do it.

"Ok. This world will be better off with them off their high horses anyway." I say. "And the omegas need an escape from those prison walls." I lay my head back on his shoulder and feel him caress the back of my hand.

"So, what did you do with Jeonghan hyung then all morning? Cheol hyung said he was gone for quite a few hours to be with you. Well, more like he sulked." He says. Sulked? The same alpha who looked like he could kill for even a look of discomfort his mate faced?

"Nothing much. I only woke up an hour or so ago. He was reading when I woke. Then told me about you being kicked out. Dr Seokjin came in and he checked my torso before giving Jeonghan hyung an ointment for bruises. After that, I changed into this new set of clothes and ate." I explained.

"Though, he did ask me about what I would want in my room, while we got to know each other. When I asked him about the library, he told me about that too and asked me to give him a list of books or a topic on what books I wanted."

"You like to read? What do you usually read?" He asks.

"Well, mainly biology. I have a huge interest in genetics, but in Moonwhisp, education is limited to omegas. We can't get any education after the basic eighteen years, so I spend a lot of time reading biology books." I explain.

"Hmm. Then what do you do for fun? Do you have any hobbies?"

"Well, I like to play the guitar. When me, Mingyu and Tae were walking through the shopping centre one day, we passed by a music shop and Mingyu saw me looking at a guitar. We omegas weren't allowed our own money and for our sustenance at the pack's expense, we had to clean for free. So Mingyu bought it for me as a gift. I use it a lot when I want to express something and write songs for fun. I'm not that great at it and all, but when there were times, I felt caved in and I had no escape, it was my only solace."

"That's amazing Jihoon. Will you show me one day? I'd love to hear you sing!" He asked. He turned to me excitedly and a shine in his eyes had me unable to refuse. Though it got me nervous.

"Do you have any hobbies?" I asked back,

"Well, other than the pack's defensive strategies, we are well known for our artistry. I like to dance, and we have a small group of us who love to dance and also create performances," Well if that isn't the most amazing thing, I don't know what is.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll show you my work if you show me yours." I gleamed. He only chuckled before saying an okay. Seeing my handsome mate dance? It would be a treat for me and my omega. He was already eye candy. We fall back into comfortable silence as I lay my head back on his shoulder. I feel the return of lethargy and my eyes fall shut against my will. The last and only time this happened, I woke up in an empty bed. I wanted to see him off this time, but I guess a combination of meds and my body focusing on healing constantly put my body in overdrive. Rest and sleep is the only way out of this.


Sorry guys! Short chapter. I did want to add another half to this, but after today's day, I'm absolutely knackered. I've been up since 2 am for my accounting test. Currently it's 11pm. Promise to compensate for it in the next one!!

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