21. Jihoon

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Woozi has absolutely lost it over the pink underwear allegation. Y'all have no idea just how much I wanted another Insomnia Zero episode.


There's a pain. From my neck. Lifting it off the uncomfortable thigh it had layed on overnight sent a jolt down my arm. Uuugh. That hurt like a so...


"Jihoon!" The door bangs into the wall as Soonyoung's shout literally ricochets through my brain.

"Kwon Soonyoung, as much as I love you, I swear to God if you don't shut up right now..." I groan. Right now, my annoyance meter was getting quite high, and my patience meter has become non-existent. We'd arrived at the resort at around 8pm last night and ate heavy meals at the resort's restaurant before we all split up into our groups. Jeonghan hyung had announced an omega night and snatched us up, leaving the others whining and we all settled in mine and Soonyoung's room with non-alcoholic drinks and talked into the night with a few beauty routines that Jeonghan hyung had packed for us.

"Sorry baby. Are you ok? I thought I felt pain from you." He makes his way through the heap of sleeping bodies on the floor, stumbling in a sleep hazed manner and looking as if a cat had dragged him in. His hair sticking out in all 360 degree angles and his eyes still hooded from sleep. He leans down in front of me checking me over, his eyes darting over my arms and neck.

"Yeah. I just fell asleep in a shit position. Now my neck is killing me." I rub my hands up and down my neck in an attempt to massage some of the knots out, but that wasn't much use since my muscles have gone stiff from sleep. Soonyoung stands and holds out a hand to me. I grab his hand and he helps me up. It takes a moment to steady myself, but before I could even grasp my feet, I was swept off of them and I found myself in Soonyoung's arms, princess style. Come on, there's another room we can use to freshen up and then I can give you a massage for that shoulder.

"And then food?" I bury my face into Soonyoung's neck, taking in his natural scent. It was strangely calming. Different from the usual way it calms me. It left me with an unusual sense of satisfaction that I've begun to notice was starting to become a usual over the last week. I craved him like nothing before. If I didn't get to be with him, it would drive me crazy, snatch all my concentration and energy till all I could think of was Soonyoung. It had now become a habit for me to find him at random times of day to drag him to whatever desolate place was available nearby and basically milk him dry. And food. God I'd found an affair to have with food. I was always hungry. I craved it like I craved my mate.

Soonyoung places me down on the side of the sink and grabs the both of us a new toothbrush and squeezes some toothpaste on both. Handing one to me and shoving the other one into his mouth, he makes a wait sign and walks out, simultaneously brushing vigorously at his teeth. A few minutes later, he walks back in with a heap of clothes. We continue our morning routine and eventually settle in the tub, filled with water and a tinge of herbal essence oils. Soonyoung is sat behind me, and I hear a pop.

"What's that?" I ask, turning to see a little bottle with a stopper lid.

"Relax. Let's get those knots out of you."

He begins by the base of my head, pressing down just right and working down all the way to my shoulder blades. It felt so refreshing, I couldn't help the groans leaving my lips as the tension bled from my shoulders and neck. I let my eyes close, giving in to the pleasure as groans continue to escape me. Damn, work and stress is a nightmare for the body and so is sleeping at 90 degree angles apparently. Soonyoung's hands brushes over my mating mark suddenly and a jolt of electricity shoots down my spine at the speed of light and I can't help the jerk of my hips almost as if it's a built in reflex. A moan slips out automatically and I brace myself on Soonyoung's thighs that are on either side of me. Before I can gather my bearings, he does it again and this time, my response is more erratic, and I lean back into Soonyoung's chest. His lips latch onto my jaw and I lose hold of all logic, bearings and functions as he sucks on my mark. The pleasure builds quickly as if a balloon waiting to burst. When teeth nip at the same place, there's a loud pop as I'm pushed over the edge in a matter of seconds. My breathing turns erratic as I catch my breath, taking a minute to get my functions back.

The sudden roll of pleasure surging through me triggers something more, and I reach forward to unplug the tub's clamp holding the water in the tub. There is the sound of the water rushing down the drain, but that will take time. In the meantime, I manage to turn around and straddle Soonyoung's hips.

"That was unfair." I tease at his lips, brushing but not quite kissing. He smirks back at me his arms tugging me closer by the hips till I feel his erection on mine, standing proud and tall, pressed to his stomach.

"Oh really. Then how were the delicious moans leaving your mouth any fair to me? I thought you were begging for the attention."

"You really want to know what's unfair?" I smirked back at him. By now, the water had all drained out, and I knew exactly what would tick him off. Never leaving more than an inch between my lips and him, I trailed down his jaw, only stopping to nip and suck on my mark on his neck. The mark was paler than mine since omegas produce so little of the marking hormone. Wanting it to be obvious and stand out, I bit down, and sucked as I felt his hands grip my waist in a death grip. It's a sensitive spot after all. I continued my trail down, slowly making sure he felt my breath, but never satisfied. When I reach his groin, his shaft is standing upright and red. I don't waste time in looking as I boldly grab it into my hands and being my work, sliding my hand over his length. This past week, I'd been practically insatiable, and it doesn't seem like that's going to change anytime soon. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting him and I did exactly that. I enveloped as much of his as possible as I felt his hands clutch on to my tresses. I continued my administrations, his groans, music to my entire being. I could write albums about him. When I felt his muscles restrict and I knew he was close, I unwillingly pulled away, moaning. As much as I want to taste him, I also wanted to win. A growl of frustration snapped me out of my thoughts as I smirked up at him, knowing I might be giving him blue balls.

"Well. It seems like I'm spent." I'd released untouched during the time I'd blown him, and he sure as hell knows that. I stand up, stepping out of the tub and headed for the shower, laughing. His stunned and hazy expression now embedded into my mind. He really looks like a hamster with those pouty lips making an O and his eyes hazed in desire and confusion. It doesn't last long as I hear him groan behind me and get out of the tub to join me in my shower.

It takes us another hour to get out of the shower. By then, the rest of the group were up and preparing for a simple lunch before we hit the beach. Something simple and light so we don't basically fill ourselves so much the way we usually do that we sink ourselves like an anchor. Which I'm pretty sure all of us are capable of at this point. Even skinny old me who could barely finish a bowl of soup when I first got here a few months ago. Jeonghan and Jin hyung were really something else to the point I can eat as much as Mingyu if I want. Not that I do, but you just can't really resist the food if it was Jeonghan or Jin hyung in the kitchen. Plus, they'd get me to eat at any chance they got. But that's a whole other story. Right now, I'm in a fix. I mean we're going to the beach. So Jeonghan hyung had thrust a swim short and a fine netted, very see-through shirt at me before going off with a stern look to make sure I put them on. But the shirt might as well not be there at all. It's that see-through.

"Just put this shirt on Hoonie. No need to wear that hideous net if you're uncomfortable." Soonyoung's arms wrap around me from behind, his voice having somewhat of an artificial sweetness to it.

"You just don't want me to go out in public wearing that." I pull out of his arms and turn around to see him holding up a plain black shirt, smiling extra sweetly. Now I'm suspicious. Grabbing the shirt, I turn it to the back. There's a fucking tiger on it. The number of tiger shirts I've basically confiscated is coming to a little mountain now, yet he keeps pulling up more.

"Right. I'm really going to have to get those hamster shirts then wont I?" I say, extra sweetly smiling back at him.

I toss the hideous cat shirt far away from me and grab the netted one. I'd rather wear the net than that. His tiger obsession is going out of hand at this point. I quickly slip it on over my short and walk out, leaving Soonyoung whining behind me as he trudges, our bag in hand.

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