14. Jihoon

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Hey guys, So it's been a while since I updated and there are a few reasons for this. First of all, after the last update, one of my favourite authors on this platform had their account snipped off. Suddenly all their books were gone and knowing if that ever happened to me I needed a back up for all my writing so I spent the last few days putting it all into a word document and then feeling a good amount embarrassed for all the typos in there. Then correcting them all and reuploading chapters without the typos and all. But here's a long chapter to make up for it!!



At the mention of the dance studio, everyone who was in the lounge had perked up and now I was being dragged by Seungkwan and Seokmin down the hall with Soonyoung trailing behind us. As we approached a section of the building, I could hear music echoing and Chan who was walking with Soonyoung sprinted forward to open a door to the left. When I looked in, I was amazed by the three people dancing in the middle, each flowing through the moves in their own sharpness and grace. One of whom I recognised as Jungkook. His moves coming out in grace and power. The other man in the middle was a definition of sharpness and fluidity in his own right. Even the smallest movement brought out emotions and power and finally the last man, an omega. His moves brought on an edge of softness but didn't fall behind on the power the choreo required. Once the song had finished, they turned to us, greeting all of us who had come in.

As they approach us, Soonyoung is back at my side, hand in mine. I smile up at him as he turns to the tall guy in the middle. Jungkook nods and smiles to me in greeting.

"Jihoon, this is Hoseok. He's also Chan's mate, but considering Chanie is only fifteen, both mothers have forbidden official mating." Soonyoung explains as Chan runs to give him a hug. Hoseok smiles down at me and I return it, feeling a little shy. I'm not really used to meeting new people and actually not be harassed.

"You must be Soonyoung's mate. You can call me Hobi though like everyone else."

"Yes I am. Nice to meet you." I say back.

"And this is Jimin. He's just finished his first year as a dance major." Soonyoung points to the omega. My eyes widen in respect. Dance majors are intense I heard, but Moonwhisp didn't entertain any artistic ideas as a profession.

"Hi. And finally... I'm not the shortest anymore!" He exclaimed. Well... what do I say to that. He is taller. Jungkook smacks him over his head and says something to him along the lines of 'being weird'. I'm not really paying attention to him though. My focus is on Soonyoung as he leaves a peck on the top of my head.

"Your height is just perfect. It makes you even more adorable." I blush at his words, "I'm going to warm up." He runs off towards the three others already stretching. Jun, Minghao and Dino are already in the middle.

"Come on, Jihoonie." Jeonghan hyung grabs my hand and leads me to the sofa in front of the room as if it was for an audience. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me into him as we plop down on the sofa. I notice Jungkook, Hobi and Jimin leaving as we settle.

"So... Soonyoung tells me you play the guitar right?" He asks.

"Yeah. After Mingyu brought me one as a gift. I learnt myself after that." I explain.

"Woah. I really want to hear it now." He smiles. Joshua, Seokmin and Seungkwan also sit next to us as they listen in on my conversation with Jeonghan.

"Alright. Ready?" Soonyoung shouts and gets in formation between the other three. Once the song plays, I'm overcome with admiration and awe as I watch my mate not just dance but perform. From how his moves come out with power, but controlled and still hold a touch of softness as he expresses the emotions of the song, matching it with expression and accompany it with subtle moves of his body. My eyes never left his form and as the song came to an end, he was sweating beads of sweat that sent my newly mated bond into ecstatic chaos. I've never seen anyone look so hot while sweating. It made me want to do things...

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