17. Jihoon

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I live for Alpha Coups. <333



I'm still reeling from the hour long interview I just had to give. Reliving that night while telling the officer all the details had me feel the terror all over again. Soonyoung's scent, presence and his warm hand are the only things grounding me in the present right now. But once we step out into the yard of the station, a car pulls up. One that had the darkest tints in the window and held arrested criminals. Multiple officers surround the vehicle, and the driver slips out. The man that was brought out in cuffs froze me in my place. The pale face with wide eyes, cold and unnerving as a sheet of ice. The familiar face of my father stared back at me as all the memories of me trembling and struggling to hod my ground in front of him were brought back up, but for the first time, I'm not afraid. In fact, I felt a deep strength from withing me and with me no longer worried for my life, that deep hatred that had been fostered within me for this disgusting man I was forced to call my father my entire life bubbled to the surface and that made way for the anger. This man, who had the responsibility to protect the member as his pack. Me. As his child and he failed every step of the way in every way possible.

"Jihoon." No emotion in his voice. Just an acknowledgement. "You're suing me. Your own father. Have you no shame?"

The words were so ridiculous, a scoff makes its way out of me before I could even stop it. I would never have even dared to do this. But instead exploding at him, all the feelings I'd just build up over the years, I just look him calmly dead in the eye and say, "You have no right to say that considering you decided selling me is on the right side of your moral compass." I smile.

"I hated you before and I absolutely despise you now that I know just how a despicable man you are. You've never had any consequences for any of your actions and I'm going to make sure that you do, and you spend the rest of your life with no control over it. I'm going to take away your rights the way you did to all those omegas. You'll never be free again."

At the implications of my words, his face morphs into one of rage as he, in the blink of an eye, breaks free of the officers' hold and his cuffed hands that were in front of him reach out to me. But before I could even take a step back, Soonyoung's hand leaves mine and an arm reaches out in front of me. Lee Juhyuk is pinned down by Soonyoung and Seungcheol hyung. Mingyu, Jungkook and Namjoon are standing in front of me, Tae and Wonwoo, arms out as if to protect us. The officers regain their hold on him. Seungcheol hyung stands in front of all of us, Soonyoung in tow.

"You failed your responsibility as an alpha leader miserably. Don't think you'll be free to do anything. Jihoon, Mingyu and Taehyung are part of the Dawn Riders Pack now. They have the most elite pack behind them." Seungcheol hyung's warning sends shivers rattling down my spine. I'd hate to be the other person. Satisfyingly, the brief look of surprise and fear is probably there on the top of the most satisfying things list. The officers forcefully drag him away and once he's completely out of reach, Soonyoung is back at my side. He frantically holds me by the shoulders, looking me up and down.

"Soonyoung." I take hold of both his hands, "I'm fine. I wasn't even touched." He breathes out as the tension releases from his frame.

"Well. That's not going to bode well for him when we use that camera footage at court then." Wonwoo says looking into the distance. When I follow his line of sight, I see a CCTV facing where we are. Yes that would prove useful. A feeling of excitement bubbles up inside me. Today, I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. A horizon of dawn as the night was erased. My father could forever be facing the consequences of hid actions and for once in my life, I don't see him as this intimidating figure that could be the cause of my death, but a pathetic man whose actions and values are now going to be his downfall. It won't make up for all the suffering and pain he'd caused, but it will save countless more. For once in my life, I'd stood up to him and looked him in the eye while doing it. It left me exhilarated and fills me with a joy that I couldn't describe.

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