13. Jihoon

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Aight. It's my first time writing sooo.... I'M SORRY. 

Dear Jisoos. All I ask is for some holy water. TT. Amen



I promise you Lee Jihoon. If you would let me, I will spend the rest of our lives telling you an showing you how much I want you and that you are equal...

Soonyoung's promise lifted a weight off my heart. Any doubt that was preventing me from giving him all of me vanished in that moment. I hadn't even realised but in the time we'd known each other, Soonyoung had given me all the control in the relationship. All the power. Despite being an alpha. In a world where alpha's ruled and abused for power because they believed they were strongest; he had given me that exact power. It lit a flame of passion in my heart that lit up and warmed every atom of my being and settled in the pit of my stomach. As the heat of need took over me and I tasted him on my tongue, I felt like I was flying. As Soonyoung walked back inside the building, he never once put me down or broke off. I myself was long gone from my senses only managing to get some of it back when my back pressed to the cold mirror of the elevator that left a searing sensation on my back. Our kisses always left me breathless and as he kissed a trail down to my neck, sucking on the skin there, my back arched in pleasure. Gasping, my hips jutted forward against his crotch. In response, his hips pinned mine to the walls behind me, providing the most delicious pressure making me moan.

"Soonyoung!" My lips found his again as I threaded my hands into his soft hair, pulling on it. I needed him. Like I needed oxygen. The husky groans that left his lips in our kiss went straight to my crotch, creating a tighter tent and I felt the slick leak from my ass. When the doors opened, Soonyoung pulled away and I buried my face in his neck, taking him in. His scent. His heat. Soon, there was a door clicking and locking. We were in a room. The first thing I notice is the scent. The scent of the forest is so thick, it's making me dizzy in its own pleasurable way. When I finally pull away from his neck and look around, I realise it's a bedroom. Soonyoung's bedroom. Though, looking around there is something peculiar about it. There so much in here with tiger in it. Tiger photos hanging off the wall. Tiger figurines. Tiger plushies. Without thinking, I giggle. My mate was tiger obsessed.

"What?" Soonyoung asks. I look back to him, smiling.

"You like tigers?"

"Baby. I am a tiger."

I giggle again. "That's cute."

"You know what else is cuter?" He pecks my lips. "White cat plushies."

"Why white cats?" I ask.

"Because you resemble them." He smiles up at me as he leans in. Soon, it gets heated again, my omega begging to be taken. He walks forwards and I suddenly feel myself getting lowered as the bed meets my back. His hands roam over bare skin under my shirt, electrifying my every cell as I moan. I arch my back as he tugs at the hem, looking at me and asking me for permission. I sit up, helping him pull my shirt over my head. Then we're back to kissing. Each piece of our clothing coming off as I tug at his shirt hem and his waistband. He asks for permission each time and when we're both bare, he kisses down my neck, sucking on the skin. My chest, stomach. He pauses for a moment before I felt his lips oh so tenderly at my shoulder, my ribs, the left side of my waist. He's kissing my scars. His affection brings tears to my eyes. But soon, I'm overtaken with so much need, I feel like I'm losing my sanity. The effects of my hormones, of my body preparing to take on the mating. Of accepting my soulmate.

I sit up moaning. My lips meet his.

"Please?" I speak against him, "I need you."

Our eyes meet and I see a reflection of my own soul in his. He helps me settle against the pillows and settles his forehead against mine.

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