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The way he said, "Pease check it out." The number of times I watched that is uncountable at this point. He's basically a baby in a man's body. ^^



The sound of skin on skin resounded through the room.

"Owwww. Hooniee." I cried. He may be just getting his strength from better diets and lifestyles, but they were torturously painful when he was angry.

"I said I was sorry baby!" He stands on the other side of the sofa, red faced and panting. I rub my ass. The sting still burning through my skin.

"It took me a fucking week to complete Kwon Soonyoung!" I'd accidentally deleted about 7 songs he'd worked on for an assignment for a whole week. And to top it off with a sweet juicy big cherry, I ate his chicken breast he'd saved to savour for today. So, in summary, I'm fucked.

"The assignment is due in 2 days, you fucking hamster!" I can't even help fix this. At that time, Wonwoo enters the room. Oh, my saviour!

"Wonwoo!" I dash behind him, "Help me!"

"What did you do?" he sighs.

"I accidentally deleted the 7 songs he had written for his assignment. I just wanted to listen to them. It's due in 2 days." I basically cried.

"Seriously?" he lets out an exasperated sigh, "I get Jihoon would be fully freaking out since he's new to technology, but you grew up with it. You'd think someone familiar with gadgets would know you can recover deleted files." OH MY GOD, OF COURSE YOU CAN!! I MIGHT JUST BE SAVED!

"You can?" Jihoon tilts his head adorably.

"But... I don't know how to."

"Don't worry Jihoonie. I'll help you."

"Oh, thank god." He sighs. Jihoon throws one hot glare towards me before leaving with Wonwoo arm in arm. I watch, unintentionally pouting as I plop onto the sofa. But that pout was soon erased as a scream escaped my lips instead. My but was on fire. Jihoon had chased me with his old guitar that was recovered after the Moonwhisp pack was seized. He now uses it as a weapon against those who anger him the way Thor uses his hammer. I lay there for the next who knows how long, groaning as my ass felt like I'd done a hundred glute workouts. I may be an alpha, but damn does this hurt like shit.

A while later, Jeonghan hyung walked in on my groaning. I had literally been in the same place as I was 2 hours ago groaning. And also thinking about ways to deflate Jihoon's anger before tonight. What if I just grovel next to him and maybe he won't be as angry come tomorrow morning.

There is clanging in the kitchen as Jeonghan hyung starts dinner prep when suddenly, he turns to me and snaps.

"What's gone up your ass?"

"Jihoon's guitar. I probably have string indentations on my ass right now."

I only hear a sigh and the clanging continues and the sound of the stove turns on. Getting myself together, I jump up from my place to go find Mingyu. Maybe, I can get some brownie points if I get him his favourite chicken breast recipe. And fries. He's been obsessed over it recently and Jihoon eating his favourite things makes him a different person. He grows a halo over his head and he's the happiest person on earth.

"Mingguuuuu!" I call out, outside of his room and knock a few times. I give it a minute and I hear a crash from inside. This guy was the clumsiest I've ever met. The door opens and steps out in his work out clothes. This kid is buffing up.

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