5. Jihoon

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Sorry guys. Late update. I had literally no time yesterday. But on the other hand, anyone order a dosage of mama tiger Jeonghan and kitten Woozi moments?



When I awoke from my deep slumber, I felt an empty chill that was absent when I went to sleep, and I realise that Soonyoung is no longer next to me. But in the chair next to the bed where Tae was sat, was Jeonghan, reading a book. My entire body felt stiff and the pain from my injuries was back, though not as bad as I expected to be. I was probably on a normal dosage of painkillers. I'm itching to get out of this bed and move around. I have no idea how long I'd stayed in this bed but, I've gone stiff all over. At the sound of my shuffling, Jeonghan turned away from his read towards me and gave me a small smile.

"Rise and shine Jihoonie!" He exclaimed. Jihoonie? I don't think anyone but Tae and Mingyu called me by a nickname, and they usually called me Hoonie. I definitely wasn't expecting him to acquaint himself with me so quickly. Guess Soonyoung was serious about Jeonghan and him adopting me. I smile back at his affection. It felt nice.

"You're probably wondering why Soonyoung's not here. Well, Jin hyung kicked him out just before the morphine in your system was likely to lose effect. He was here till then. And he's been prohibited to enter until you're a little better so that you won't be in so much pain." He hit the nail in the head. How did he know? He must have seen the disappointment in my face because he chuckled before saying, "He's so pent up with worry and energy, but Seungcheol and him are working on something. Soonyoung usually handles external pack activities and with an investigation having to be opened up, he's constantly in and out of the territory to cooperate with them."

I could only nod. Jeonghan grabs the remote and elevates the bed so I'm sitting, and the door suddenly opens with Dr Seokjin walking. He has in his hand a tray, a bowl on top with something steaming and a smaller bowl next to it. He smiles before placing the tray on the bedside and turns to me.

"Afternoon." He starts. "You've been asleep for a good 20-22 hours. Your meds would have made you more lethargic to be honest. Now I'm sure you're hungry, but the food just got off the stove and is piping hot. We don't need any more injuries on precious little you. So while we wait on the food to cool down, can I check your torso?" He asks. I nod.

"Alright, try and sit up a little more and take your feet over the edge so I can get to your back." He said. Understanding he needed access to my entire torso; I brace myself for the pain before taking a deep breath and moving. And God did it hurt. I suppose multiple broken bones don't heal too quickly, even for a werewolf. An "Aaagh" escapes my mouth at the pain, but I manage to get into a position where I am sitting on the edge of the bed, facing Jeonghan. With a thanks and a warning that he is undoing the buttons on the back of my shirt, he removes my shirt. Looking down, I see bandages with a red hue to them. The punches must have been enough to damage my skin to the point of bleeding. Though when the bandage is unravelled from my torso, there are little to no cuts, but my entire chest and stomach are an ugly shade of yellow. At least they're almost healed. At the sight, I hear Jeonghan suck in a breath, and I look up to see his eyes shiny and welled up with tears. I reach forward, with only a little difficulty and grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Alright, these are doing really well. The broken bones will take a bit longer, but you should be out of here by the end of the week max. Now I have an ointment for these bruises, I'd like applied. I also need to get you a new pair of clothes. Are you ok with Jeonghan applying it for you? I'd like for you to move as less as possible." Dr Seokjin says.

"Yes." I reply, my voice scratchy and rough from not using it. "Also. Can I brush my teeth before eating. I usually can't eat before cleaning my mouth in the morning." I ask. My breath feels like I've drunk a litre of sewage.

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