8. Jihoon

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Hey guys! I'm back. I was thinking the other day, I really want to get to know my readers. So I jsut wanted to ask, how'd ya'll end up stanning our boys? I'll leave my story at the end of the chapter!



My shower was a much needed relief for my stiff and aching body as well as a good break for my mind to process what is actually happening in my life right now. Within a day, I'd gone from an unwanted son, to being kidnapped, sold, beaten, almost raped, then getting saved, finding my mate, and now having the promise of a happy life with freedom whereas before, I was leashed from even dreaming of finding the meaning of happiness. However, the longer I stayed standing under the shower, the more I was overexerting myself with my injuries. So, I begrudgingly left the warm heaven and as gently as possible, without straining my ribs, dried and dressed myself before stumbling out of the bathroom. By this point, I felt a tightening around my chest as the exertion built up. I made my way over to the bed, my hair still wet and falling in dark strands around my face and sat down, my breaths coming out heavy. If it wasn't for the painkillers, even breathing would have been difficult as well. Needing a distraction, I waited a moment to catch my breath and got back up, moving to the side of the bed, and sitting back down. Reaching out to grab the new guitar from where it was leaning, I opened it, running my hands over the strings, and hearing them make the soft sounds, though untuned. I can't wait to get back to writing some of my songs. Maybe one day, I'll let Soonyoung hear it too. Then getting back up, I walked over to the desk. I'm not completely sure what I would need an entire desk for, but it was a cute little study desk with an overhead light attached beneath the shelves above the workspace. Some of the books had titles and I could see were about biology and others music. On one side there was just plain notebooks, for taking down notes and some music score books as well. When I opened the top draw to the right of the table, I could see a silver plating. With a shock, I picked it up to see it was a laptop. Behind where it had been in the draw was a charger. These were luxuries I could only dream of back at Moonwhisp. At the thought, the consideration that this pack, my new pack had given me in the few days I've been here was more than my family had ever given to me in my entire life brought tears to my eyes.

My thoughts are disrupted by a gentle knock to the door.

"Jihoon! It's time for lunch. Are you ready?" Soonyoung's voice echoes through the air. Quickly taking a deep breath and making sure my tears were wiped thoroughly, I reply back.

"Yes. I'm coming." I move slowly towards the door. Not because I wanted to but because I couldn't move any faster. By the time I reach the door and pull it wide open, I'm panting with a stinging feeling in my ribs and chest, but I manage a smile up at him.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah. In a second." I close my eyes, taking deep breaths, catching my breath again. When I open my eyes again, he's staring at me with worry in his eyes. I reach out to hold his hand and give it a squeeze.

"I'm okay. The pain meds are still in effect." I say quietly. Suddenly, he's wrapping his arms around me and pushing my face into his chest. I flail my arms around in surprise and eventually grab his shirt at his sides. His comforting scent calms my erratic heartbeat and when I close my eyes, I'm back at the river, leaning my back against a tree and swimming in the bliss of calm nature. But what's suddenly gotten into him?

My questions are answered in a moment when I heard hm sniffle from above me and a smile plays on my lips. He's worried for me. And upset that he can't do anything else for me. I just pat his back in response, hoping it would comfort him.

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