9. Soonyoung

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So I've been thinking about other ideas for books as well. I have a few, but I'd love to see what you guys have in mind as well. I plan on posting some ideas in my conversations tab or if you guys have an idea and want it seen and written, I'd love that too. So pop by and follow for more guys!(No pressure tho)



After a fulfilling lunch, we all split up, most of us had work to do as they'd gone their own way. I've been given off or had an immense load taken off so I could spend time with Jihoon. I handed Jihoon his meds after lunch and he gulped them down with water and now, we are walking back to his room, hand in hand. The moment, a quiet and comfortable silence. I pay close attention to Jihoon to see if he's uncomfortable anywhere, but the meds must be kicking in now. He's just moving a little slowly and his body holds a stiff gait. As we reach his door, he turns to me, his hand still in mine and reaches out with his other hand to grab my free one. When I look down at him, he has the most adorable blush I can barely see on his bread cheeks and he's looking down at our shoes. Why is he SO ADORABLE? I smile.

"Umm..." He looks up at me, biting his lips, "Do you also have work to do?"

I smile at him. In all his adorableness, he stares up at me with hopeful eyes and send me to pits of hell if I refuse him.

"Not much. Just have to check my emails and see if there are any updates. And reply to them." I reply back. He looks back down nodding. "It won't take any more than half-an-hour at most. Is there something you wanted to do?" I rub my thumbs over his hands, hoping it will encourage him to feel a little freer with me.

"Well, I was looking through the room and there was a laptop in the draw. But I've never had one of those, so..." he pauses, "Will you help me set it up? And show me the basics at least?"

Leaning down and placing a kiss on his forehead, I reply, "Of course I will. Just give me a moment, I'll go get my laptop. Do you want to do it in your room? Or mine? Or somewhere else?" I ask. Mindful of the fact that he may not be fully comfortable with me alone just yet.

"In my room?"

"Ok. Gimme a sec. I'll be back. Why don't you go and settle in?" I say, seeing him nod and turn around before turning around to head into my room to grab my things. When I head back in, He's plugged the laptop into the port next to his bed and settled on the bed, leaning against the headboard. He smiles when he sees me walk in as I head to the bed to settle next to him. For the next hour, we spend setting up his laptops and opening his accounts. He didn't even have an email address. We also made his social media accounts. Soon, I was teaching him where to find what. About the systems, storage and so on. Once YouTube was set up, I taught him how to know what to do if he didn't know what to do for something so he can learn by himself. Finding a video for internet safety and all, I let him watch it while I logged into my own and reviewed some documents and emails. Most were updates on mergers and a few from my fellow lawyers about our current issue. When I look back at Jihoon, I see he's fallen asleep and walking to the walk in wardrobe, I grabbed a spare blanket off from the shelf and put it over him before getting back to work.

I lose myself in my work as I review the 50 page document and contract I needed to look over for our merger agreement when suddenly a noise startles me out of my concentration. I look to my right, to see an expression of discomfort on my mate's face as he whimpers and groans, grabbing my shirt in his distress. I guess under reduced medication, he's not seeping as deeply as his body is almost healed. Even if he was beaten and not further violated, the fear of what would come would have been enough to put him in trauma. Abandoning my laptop in front of me, I reach out to his hand and stroke his head.

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