August 31st, 2023

26 0 0

"We got stabbed?! Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?" I yelped at Older me as we both walked around in the fields of my dreamscape.

"If I told you, I would have messed up everything, and I wouldn't turn out the way I am today. Or, rather, I wouldn't turn out the way we are today." Older me responded, lacing her hands behind her head and then peering over at me. "Do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, but it hurt." I muttered, my hand unconsciously flying to my middle.

"I remember." Older me responded sympathetically, "But trust me, it'll get better, okay? We're not gonna die. Otherwise, I doubt you would still have the same amount of strength that you have in here right now."

"Welp. Good to know that I'll remain alive." I nodded my head.

"I can't believe that Morro is alive though!" I looked over at Older me, "How does that work? I thought that he was dead!"

"Ohhh, that." Older me chuckled, "Yeah, it's a great mystery. One that we're still trying to figure out, but we've shoved that aside for now. I've got more things to take care of, like saving Ninjago and making sure that Lloyd doesn't crash his mech dragon."

"Ha!" I laughed, "He does tend to be a wee reckless with that thing."

"Anyways," Older me looked over at me and then grinned, "Have fun figuring out your life, kid. I know that there are some tough spots that you have to bump over, but it's where the fun begins. Life won't always be rainbows, but you've gotta let it rain to see one, right?"

"Yeah." I smirked, "Dang. I didn't know that I would be such a philosopher."

"Hey, we've got a big brain in there, okay?" Older me grinned and tapped both of our skulls gently. She then pulled back, "Hey, look, I've gotta go. But just listen to me."

"I will." I nodded.

"Whatever you do," Older me warned, "think things through."


"Make sure that she stays quiet." I heard a voice say, presumably Rattlesnake, and the roar of an engine. "We can't have border control discovering that we have a... captivated guest in our grasp, can we?"

"Stop making things sound weird." Morro's voice floated towards me and I froze, turning my head slightly to look over, right into his glowing green eyes. He noticed that I was awake and then looked away, seemingly guilty. Rage broiled through my blood. This was the ghost that had possessed my brother and put him through all the crap that he didn't deserve to go through.

"Is she awake?" Rattlesnake asked from up at the wheel. I realized that I was in a mini-van, and I was ducked behind the back seat, along with Morro. My hands were incapacitated behind my back, and a blanket was put over me.

"You stabbed me." I glared at Rattlesnake's head as I spoke.

"Ah, you are awake, darling." Rattlesnake's head didn't turn, but his voice dipped a malicious octave. "I did stab you. How does that wound feel?"

I remained silent and then, the burning in my middle started.

I gritted my teeth as the pain turned from dull to sharp, like another hot knife had plunged into my gut. But I bit out, "Fine."

"Should we get her another painkiller?" Morro asked.

"Sh." Rattlesnake responded instead. "We're at the border check-in. Make sure she keeps her mouth shut." Rattlesnake jerked his head in my direction before he faced the front.

Morro looked over at me and then brandished out a dagger, holding it a few inches away from my throat. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Careful." I taunted, "One jerk of the car, one slip, and I could die. You want me alive, right? At least, that was what you were screeching about at the monastery ruins."

"Shut up." Morro growled under his breath.

"Screw you-" I retorted and then suddenly, Morro lunged forward and then clapped one hand over my mouth, his eyes glowing a brighter tone than they usually did.

"I said," He leaned forward until his green eyes were all I could see, "shut. up."

I glared at him, too in pain and tired to fight back, and when the car started moving again, Morro moved away and then sheathed the dagger, even though his eyes never left mine. I just simply looked away and then closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to steady the pain.

"How are we doing back there, lady and gent?" Rattlesnake asked.

"Just drive." Morro demanded softly.

"Aye aye, boss." Rattlesnake mockingly saluted before the ride continued on.

Then, Rattlesnake suddenly ran over a speed bump with extra force, and before I knew it, I was jerking up and down and then my injured stomach slammed back down onto the car floor. I let out a gasp of pain, my vision blurring, and then...

everything turned into a merciful black.

A/N: Not as exciting as part 1... But I hope it was still enjoyable :). Please continue to enjoy reading the Life of Livana Garmadon!

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