August 17th, 2023

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Despite the fact that I don't remember Floyd as well, nor have I seen any clips or anything like that to remember, he is a very impactful person in my life. Not having him here... was like having a deep hole in my heart that didn't hurt all the time, but it would. It wasn't like I cried myself to sleep every night because of the disappearance of my brother, but once in a while... I would.

Floyd and I were close, from what I can remember. The only things I remembered about Floyd was that I felt safe and that his eyes were gray, and his black hair always had a purple tinge to it. We were playing tag and then... as quick as the wind had blown across us, he was gone. It was like he was made out of nothing besides a pile of dust.

I miss Floyd, with all my heart, but sometimes... it was just like he was never there. Because it was true. He really was never there. It's not his fault. It's not my fault. It's just the way it turned out.

I can tell Mom misses Floyd a lot. After all, he was her first child. When he disappeared, I remember there seemed to be this cloud around my mother. This dark, ominous, hurting cloud that blocked me from her. I never spent much time with her before she left and sent Lloyd and I to our separate boarding schools, but during the time I spent with her, I could tell that my mother was greatly negatively impacted by the loss of Floyd. Even Lloyd, who had half an idea what happened but didn't fully understand what was going on, seemed to be covered by darkness for a while.

Maybe this was a dream or this happened in real life, but either way, I was too young to remember. I remember this one time, when I was around three years old, I saw my father in our old house, talking to my mother in a hushed voice. She was crying, but trying really hard not to show it in front of my father. Then, my father hugged my mother tightly, four arms and all, whispering about how it was all going to be okay. That was how despite over the years I thought my father didn't love his family anymore, I still had that one sliver of faith inside me that my father loved me.

Uncle Wu never talked about Floyd much. In fact, Floyd was never really mentioned much in my family. He was talked about, but it's not like he came up in our daily conversations often. But when we held memorials for my oldest brother, Uncle Wu would often look mournful and he would always try to be there for us. I could tell he misses his first nephew too.

"Livvy?" I looked behind me to find Lloyd standing at the door frame, leaning against it with his arms crossed against his chest. "What are you up to?"

"Just hanging here. What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much. I just finished playing Lava Monster 3 with Kai and Cole. I beat his score by one." Lloyd grinned and I rolled my eyes affectionately.

"You boys and your video games." I shook my head, "How did Cole take it?"

"He threatened to dump cockroaches in my bed in the middle of the night, but you know, he was happy for me." Lloyd said, in a way that definitely told me Cole was not happy for my older brother. "Kai filmed the whole thing. He found it hilarious."

I facepalmed and shook my head again, "Lovely."

"But anyways, I was wondering what you were doing down here." Lloyd shrugged one shoulder, "I got bored after the video games and I didn't know what else to really do, so..."

"You came down to pester me. I see." I grinned.

"Heyyyy." Lloyd gently smacked the back of my head. "I was not pestering you. That's mean." He mockingly pouted before a grin spread across his face. "What, not taking Luna on a ride again today?"

"No." I shook my head, "I'm actually thinking about Floyd."

The light in Lloyd's eyes faded a little at the mention of our older brother and he whispered, "You miss him, don't you?"

"Yeah..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "He's quite memorable, you know? Even though I've only known him for three years. and at that time, my memory wasn't even good."

"The things I remember about Floyd are kind of blurry, too." Lloyd said softly, "I remember he would give the best piggy back rides, though. He would always be standing there and he would tell me to get over here. Once I did, he'd swing me up onto his back and voila! Piggy back ride accomplished." Lloyd's smile became sad, "That's what he always said."

"The only thing I remember about him was tag." I wrinkled my nose, "Which I don't know how that would have happened, since I couldn't walk."

"Maybe it was when you started walking, and then he was pretending to catch you." Lloyd said and I smiled a bittersweet smile.

"Perhaps." I answered softly.

"Hey, listen." Lloyd took my hand gently in his and then whispered, "If you want... we can host a remembrance event for Floyd tonight."

"That..." I smiled, "That would be great actually, thank you."

"Of course. I'll send a text to Mom right now." Lloyd pulled out his phone, texted our mother, and then slid his phone back into his pocket. "Alright, kid. Mom should be able to come tonight. You better get yourself ready to write another amazing speech. But only if you want to."

"We'll see." I smiled softly and Lloyd nodded.

"See you later, Liv." He said, and with that, he was out the door.

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