CH - 1

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The sound of gasps echoed throughout the room. The scent of lust permeated the air. The sound of flesh colliding continuously. On the bed, two naked bodies wrapped around each other, rubbing sweaty skin.

The boy with honey brown hair was in a prone position, with his back having to accept the large object and grit his teeth to endure it. In that pain, a strong stream of pleasure hit him, making his whole body tremble.

How many times has this happened tonight?

The floor is littered with used condom wrappers. He couldn't count their number, he only knew that they did a lot. The bed sheet, which was once flat, was now wrinkled and soaked with his own semen.

His hips were held tightly by the man behind him and pushed hard. He felt like he was being torn in half every time he sneaked up on him. His thing touched the deepest place inside him, making him unable to resist.

"Do other people know this flirtatious appearance of yours?"

He breathed deeply into his sensitive ears, his movements behind him still not slowing down. He replied back to him with his hoarse voice.

"N-No... U... You're the only one..."


He smiled with satisfaction, grabbed his wrist and locked it behind his back, continuing to thrust violently into the other body. He liked seeing him being abused by him in bed like that, making him feel like he owned him.

"Moan a little louder, doesn't our Dunk have a very soothing voice?"

Others say that Dunk's voice is not too deep but also too high, just enough to make them feel comfortable. That is also the reason why he is always chosen to be the presenter every time there is group exercise at school. Listeners will be drawn into his special voice and will be fascinated.

Sweat drenched his hair, his whole body was tired, but the wave of love still did not let him go. The body is a very honest thing, especially sexually. And he must always be the one who knows his weaknesses.

The moans became louder and louder as his penis rubbed against his G-spot. He was startled, his breathing became chaotic. My mind was dizzy, I couldn't stand the orgasm that was gradually taking over.

Grasping the bed sheets below, Dunk spoke tremblingly.


His hair was grabbed by him and yanked back. He growled, his frustration evident in his words.

"You called me by the wrong name again."

A clear tear rolled down his cheek. Dunk swallowed, parting his dry lips.


He pushed his head under the mattress, grabbed the back of his neck, leaving clear finger prints on his already white skin. Biting his shoulder until it bled, he smirked.

"Remember carefully who is the person who is currently spoiling you."

This night is indeed very long.

When the morning sunlight shines through the window, it must have left a long time ago. Dunk sat up, his whole body aching, his back extremely uncomfortable. The last time he probably didn't use a condom, just shot it inside him, making his behind now so sticky and shuddering.

Dunk tried to stand up, dragged his tired body to the bathroom, used his fingers to clean all the remnants of last night's lovemaking, and then immersed himself in the hot bath. He sat dazed in the water, suddenly sighing.

Chen was always like that, never staying with him until the morning

This morning I had class at school and had to not be there. He had missed more than the allowed number of classes for this General Law class, so even though he was so tired that he couldn't even lift himself, Dunk still tried to take a taxi to the university lecture hall.

Arriving at the schoolyard, while he was still yawning, his shoulder was hugged.


The boy next to him possessed a smile as beautiful as bright sunlight. He is kind to everyone and is popular with many teachers at school. Good academic performance, always at the top of the department. There are also many people pursuing him, even if he is rejected, he will not stop.

Who wouldn't want to have such a perfect person by their side?

Dunk looked at him, his eyes softening along with his smile.

"Joong, you came to school so early? Doesn't your class start from 3rd period?"

Joong still hugged his shoulders and shrugged.

"Staying at home is so boring. I want to go out for a bit, but I don't know where to go, so I came to school."

Then he tilted his head and grinned at him.

"Besides, I came here to see you."

Dunk rolled his eyes. He was so used to this childish teasing of yours. The two of them walked side by side into the main building in the middle of the university.

"This guy." Suddenly Joong spoke up. "What's wrong with your neck?"

Dunk was startled and pulled his collar up to cover his neck covered in hickeys. But that's not what Joong paid attention to. He grabbed his hand, pulled the long sleeve that covered his entire arm, revealing his wrists with bruises like rope binding marks.

"Older brother..."

"It's nothing, don't worry." Dunk quickly retracted his hand and pulled down his sleeve, hiding the suspicious marks.

"He did that to you again, didn't he? Your lover."

Joong's voice at this time was all anger and helplessness. He knew that the brother in front of him had a lover who loved violence and was extremely possessive. Since Dunk fell in love with him, he always saw both strong and light wounds appearing on his body.

There were many times when he advised me to leave him completely and find someone new who loved me in a gentler way. But Dunk just laughed and shook his head, saying he couldn't leave completely. Dunk loves him very much.

So even though he had never met him, in his heart he had already formed a grudge against him, the man who was mercilessly cruel to the brother he loved.

Dunk reached up and gently stroked his hair, smiling gently. Joong is one year younger than him, but half a head taller than him.

"I'm okay, Joong, don't worry about me."

Joong knew that no matter what advice he gave, Dunk would not listen to him. He sighed, holding the hands that were intently on top of his head.

"If anything happens, please tell me? I'm really worried about you."

Dunk patted the back of his hand, softening his voice.

"Um, I'll let you know first, okay?"

The bell rang, signaling the start of a new class.

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