CH - 4

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Chen is a brutal, unpredictable person. He never gives any warning when he appears. And when his face appears, that's when Dunk will be tortured all day.
He is the complete opposite of Joong, even though they share the same body.

Dunk also discovered that, every time Joong returned, he would not remember anything that happened when Chen invaded his body.

Joong sometimes couldn't explain wile he was clearly sleeping, but when he opened his eyes, he was in a completely different place. His memories seemed to be completely erased, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember.

Only Dunk knew the reason, but he could not say. He didn't want Chen to do anything to harm him.

Multiple personality is a psychological disease, only about 1% of the population suffers from it. And unfortunately Joong is one of them.

In recent days, Chen has not appeared anymore, Dunk's life seems a little easier. The wounds have gotten better, there's no more bleeding like before. Joong felt reassured because he saw that his mood was not gloomy and a smile often appeared on his lips. You like him like that.

Joong doesn't remember clearly when he had feelings for dunk that were more than friends. One day when he woke up, he suddenly wanted to see him, wanted the first thing he saw every day to be his smile, his voice. And he realized, he liked his P'Dunk.

His heart beats faster every time he's next to him. When he reached out to rub his head, his ears would suddenly turn red and he would shyly shy away. Joong thought that just being by Dunk's side was enough, passing each day peacefully like that.

Until he saw the bruises on his body, which Dunk said were made by his boyfriend.

His whole world seemed to collapse. Not because he had a lover, but because Dunk accepted himself being abused, just because of that toxic love.

He clearly remembered his brother's forced smile with the cut on his lip at that time, saying he was okay. His heart ached and hurt.

But he had no right to interfere in his private life, so he could only painfully watch the person in his heart deteriorate day by day.

Dunk said he loved that person very much, so he had to accept being with him as a younger brother, deciding to bury his feelings deep in his heart.

The two people's movie date finally happened. Joong stood at the ticket counter, opened his phone and scrolled through SNS while waiting for Dunk to arrive.

There were some strange pictures appearing on his phone, but he couldn't remember when he took them. Joong clicked his tongue, perhaps his memory was too poor. But he had never been to a bar.

While he was absentmindedly staring at his phone, his shoulder was suddenly touched. Glancing over, Dunk's bright smiling face appeared.

"Are you waiting for me long? Sorry, the traffic is so congested."

Joong likes to see him smile like this, just like before. He shook his head, putting the phone in his pocket.

"I just arrived. The movie is about to start, shall we go in?"

The movie Joong chose was a science fiction movie called Split, about a character named Kevin who suffers from mental illness. Inside he has up to 23 completely different personalities, each with a unique name and age. And all of them kidnapped 3 female students to serve the purpose of developing a 24th personality, which for them, is a god.

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