CH - 18

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An invisible silence in the chaotic space of the canteen. Dunk pursed his lips, Joong's current eyes made him suffocate. He gently held the other person's hand, pulled him out and took him to the school medical room.

The smell of antiseptic here goes straight into my nose. Chen didn't like this smell, his already bad mood got even worse.

Dunk pressed down on the chair, asked the teacher in charge of the medical room for some bandages and red medicine, and then began to bandage him briefly. After showing Dunk where they were, the teacher left the room. She had a meeting in the early afternoon.
Only two people left.

Dunk poured some red medicine onto a cotton ball, then gently dabbed it on the wound on his hand. These wounds are not too serious, just scratches, but still have to be bandaged if you don't want infection.

Throughout the process, Chen did not say a word, even when his hand became sensitive from the medicine.

In the end, it was Dunk who spoke first, breaking this suffocating silence.

"Don't do these things again in the future."

Seeing no response, he raised his face and met the other person's complicated eyes.

"I'm just protecting you."

"But if protecting me gets you hurt, then I don't need it." Dunk gently touched his cheek. "Don't hurt yourself, okay?"

Chen saw sadness present in his eyes. His heart stirred with a strange feeling.

For a brief moment, he thought that his worry right now was for him. But just a split second later, he crushed that thought.

How could such a myth exist?

Dunk stood up and put the medicine back in the drawer. He is so familiar with this basic first aid, so familiar that he can do it with his eyes closed.

He was the one who taught him that scary habit.

"Maybe you won't be able to study this afternoon, with your hand like that, and the mess in the canteen. Take a break, we'll go home later."

Dunk said as he put away the medicine. I'll probably have to take the day off this afternoon to stay home and take care of that person.

"Later," Chen said in a low voice. "Don't mention that name again."

He was sure that Dunk called his name, not Joong at that moment. But he deceived himself that he had just heard wrong.

"He's dead."

Chen smiled bitterly in his heart. Saying that I am dead is not a pleasant thing.

But as long as Dunk is happy, he accepts.

Accept to live under someone else's cover to protect you.


After a long while, Dunk slowly responded.

Dunk didn't ask him why he suddenly said that, but just gently nodded. Then he told him to stay in the infirmary to rest, and I would go ask for a leave of absence from class this afternoon, and ask for a leave of absence for myself as well.

In the end, only he remained in the quiet space.

He couldn't help but remember the bastard's words that had insulted Dunk earlier. If he hadn't stopped him, he probably would have actually beaten him to death.

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