CH - 10

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In October, the weather in Thailand is also less hot. Even though the sunlight is still too bright, the autumn winds have made everything softer.

The semester is about to end. This is the time when students are busy working hard on essays and staying up all night studying for exams. It's not uncommon for them to have dark circles under their eyes or fatigue every time they go to class.

Dunk is no exception.

His title as an excellent student did not come naturally. It is the result of many tireless efforts, always trying to achieve the highest results that one can achieve. It's also probably a natural talent, he was born good, but that's not why he's subjective.

"You look like a zombie."

Pond gave him a bottle of water and sat down across from him. He was particularly free today, so he went to the university to visit Dunk a bit. Anyway, it's probably still waiting for admission back to school.

"I thought you were used to it."

Dunk took the bottle of water and tilted his head back to drink. This condition of his was not something Pond had ever seen before. He studied with him in high school, and every time the exam was coming, Dunk would turn into a genuine bookworm. Even if I die, I won't be able to leave my pile of schoolwork.

"Don't die on your desk, I'm too lazy to go to your funeral."

The relationship between the two is still as good as ever even after they broke up. People say it's difficult to be friends with an ex, but they've never seen each other in that way. After all, their past is not entirely true.

After Dunk finished drinking his water, he continued to bury his head in his book. No matter how much Pond called, he did not answer. He is helpless, I came here to play with you, not to watch you study. Pond pursed his lips and had nothing else to do but took out his phone to play with it.

He was completely immersed in the world of knowledge, until he felt someone sitting next to him.

Joong gave him a box of sandwiches, smiling.

"Dude, take a break. You've been studying all day."

Dunk looked at the cake box, guessing that Joong had made it himself. He is quite good at cooking, often making food to fatten Dunk. Many times he wanted Joong to stop doing it, because he had gained too much weight.

He thought for a moment, then responded.

"Well, we should rest for a bit."

Pond on the other side gasped when he saw Dunk's hand folding the books. He never succeeded in attracting his friend's attention when he was focused on his studies. But this kid and his box of cookies did just that.

Joong felt Pond's eyes looking at him, suddenly cleared his throat.


Pond shook his head. "Nothing. Are you Joong?"

"Right." Joong wondered if Pond's memory was a problem since they had met before.

"Um, good. I thought it was someone else."

Dunk almost choked when he heard his words. He reached for the bottle of water on the table and took a sip to wash away the piece of cake stuck in his chest.

"What do you mean by that?"

Pond shrugged and did not answer. His lack of expression made Joong uncomfortable. He decided to completely ignore it and turned to talk to Dunk.

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