CH - 9

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Chen opened the door and saw Dunk wrapped in a blanket like a worm and sleeping soundly. He frowned slightly, don't you feel hot? He walked over and lifted the blanket off his body. Seeing a layer of sweat on his shirt, he felt a little relieved. Sweating means the fever is gone. Dunk's skin was also rosy again, his lips were no longer pale like yesterday.

But it's impossible to sleep with such a wet shirt. He took off his t-shirt, revealing his skinny body with nothing to cover it. On the white skin, there were a few wounds that had begun to heal, which to him, were the mark of love between the two of them. His habitual violent movements woke Dunk up. He squinted at him, his voice still a bit sleepy.

"Don't you have to go to school? I'm fine, so go to class."

He said as he pulled the blanket to cover himself. Dunk shivered a bit, why was he suddenly so cold as if he wasn't wearing anything?

His head exploded when he realized he was actually not wearing anything.

He quickly stood up, his face red, and his eyes widened at the person sitting next to the bed.

"You... You... Why did you take off my shirt?"

Chen raised his eyebrows in response.

"Do you want me to take off your pants for you?"

"That's not what I mean..."

Why did Joong suddenly take off his shirt?

Chen rolled his eyes, stood up, opened the closet door, randomly grabbed a T-shirt and threw it at him.

"Change it, it stinks to death."

Looking at that rude action, Dunk suddenly stiffened. Chen didn't pay attention to his unnatural expression and put a few pills on the nightstand.

"Remember to drink it, the fever has gone down but don't be subjective. Your hoarse voice sounds very nauseating right now."

Dunk looked at him, fear rising in his heart. He swallowed his saliva and spoke up.


"Tch, saying that name in your voice is really nauseating." Chen said in disgust. "I disappoint you, that guy isn't here."

Dunk instinctively ran away and retreated to the edge of the bed. His nightmare in the middle of the day came again.

He grabbed the blanket tightly. Because he was sick, he couldn't breathe comfortably, so his breathing became rapid. He looked at him, shrinking back.

"Get away from me. I don't want to see you right now."

His words made him uncomfortable. He had to deal with his ex for Joong, now he just wants to see him for a bit, and he dares to refuse him?

He was about to step closer to him, but Dunk leaned even further into the corner of the bed, as if wanting to seek protection from that solid wall.

His steps stopped when he saw Dunk's action.

As expected, he was very afraid of him.

He laughed bitterly in his heart. That's right, besides fear, what other feelings does dunk have for him?

"Do you think you have the right to order me around?"

Chen's voice was sharp, his expression cold. He tried to be gentle with him, but it didn't seem to suit their situation very well.

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