CH - 14

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Joong sat in the taxi with his heart on fire. Pond's words over the phone kept echoing in his head.

How is Dunk now? Are you okay? What did they do to you? Many questions appeared, making Joong even more worried. He urgently urged the driver to hurry up, still texting Pond.

'Tell your friend to keep an eye on Dunk for a bit.'

A few seconds later, there was a reply message.

'He is an employee, once the guest has entered the private room, he is no longer responsible. Otherwise I wouldn't have needed to ask you.'

Pond is currently in Chiang Mai, when he received a phone call from a friend who is an employee there

Joong opened the taxi door after paying, then quickly ran inside X. He looked around, hoping he could see something to help him.

"Are you Joong?"

He turned towards that voice. Pond's friend was busy with a pile of unfinished drinks, his head tilted toward the stairs.

"Up there, second room on the right."

Joong guessed this was the friend Pond mentioned. He nodded as a thank you and quickly ran to the room that he mentioned. He took a breath, raised his hand and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door opened, behind was a man.

"What's the matter?"

Joong recognized him as Dunk's senior in the same department, someone he respected very much. He is always loved by everyone because of his openness and sociability.

"Hello. Let me ask about-"

His words were stopped when he looked at Dunk lying unconscious in the room. It seemed like he was very drunk, no matter how noisy the surroundings were, his eyes were still closed and refused to open.

"Oh, is this the boy who often hangs out with Dunk?"

The other guy spoke, his mouth showing a perverted smile.

"So, will you join us? We're about to have some fun."

Joong didn't answer, his eyes were still glued to Dunk whose face was red from the alcohol.

"Do not be shy." He patted his shoulder, like a good brother. "I know your eyes every time you look at him, filled with lust. You crave his body, right?"

The man's dirty words echoed in his ears. He didn't want to care, he went straight into the room to take Dunk out. But he was immediately stopped by the older man.

"Hey hey, what are you planning to do so aggressively?"

"Dunk's drunk, I need to take him home."

He saw Dunk stir slightly to find a more comfortable sleeping position. His lips were now redder than usual, and his clothes were a bit messy because of the movement just now.

"Bring it back?" The man laughed and patted one of his cheeks. "We spent a lot of effort to attract him here, you said we can bring him home? This male whore, we have wanted him for a long time. If you don't wanna play with us, then get lost, don't bother us." ."

After his words, two more people pulled his hand and pushed him out, and locked the door, even though Joong struggled to protest. Joong banged on the door, constantly calling for them to open the door, but the door remained closed.

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