CH - 24

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Their lives continue as before, but they are not entirely the same.

Joong remained at Dunk's apartment, as Chen had done, and he remembered everything he must have told him at that last meeting. For a moment, Dunk felt like it was Chen, through every action he did towards him, but that smile as bright as the morning sunlight shattered his thoughts.

Chen would never smile like that. He rarely shows his true emotions.

And I am probably the only person who can see him smile honestly, when he doesn't even know it.

Love life, of course, will come with sex. Dunk went to bed with Joong, on the first day he was discharged from the hospital, despite the obvious fact that he would be in pain because he had just been in bed for a long time. But that night wasn't enough for him. And it will never be enough.

Same voice, same face, same body, but not the feeling he wanted.

Sometimes when he wakes up in the middle of the night, Joong will see the image of Dunk sitting in the living room, in front of him is a bouquet of sunflowers that have also begun to show signs of fading. But his eyes towards it were always gentle and respectful, just like it was the most beautiful of all things in the world. And then he would fall asleep on the sofa, leaving joong to carry him into the bedroom and cover him with the blanket.

And in the end, he couldn't continue like this anymore.

One beautiful day in February, dunk said goodbye to Joong.

"I think you deserve to meet someone better than me, someone intact, not patched up by a painful old love."

Joong also knew that he couldn't keep him anymore. And so, the two people parted ways.

"Live happily, you deserve it." Joong said so to him before dragging the suitcase out of his apartment.

Dunk also didn't know how to describe the word happiness anymore, when he no longer felt it after that cold winter night.


Four years later

Dunk earned a diploma with honors in the Department of Political Economy. He applied to a private company, and was accepted after only half a day of interview. His working ability is very good, that's what everyone has to admit. After just a few months, he received a shower of compliments from his superiors, and was promoted to the position of deputy manager, a position that is very difficult for new graduates to achieve.

Four years, a lot has happened. For example, Pond returned to Singapore, with his boyfriend. Well, it wasn't Phuwin, things between the two of them didn't work out, even though Pond tried. Dunk has also started to get close to Phuwin, since Pond took the initiative to attack. Currently Phuwin is working as a writer for a famous newspaper in the country. This boy's works are highly appreciated for their vocabulary, the book titles are all listed on the hot list on the market, and almost all are sold out after just one day of sale.

Joong also has a new lover. It was a pretty girl in the lower class. The two met each other during a club activity, and began to get to know each other from there. They look very nice together, that is the comment of most people who know about the relationship between the two

Dunk still occasionally contacts Joong as a friend and brother, even though he knows that being friends with his ex is not easy. But he doesn't want to lose such a close friend, and neither does Joong. Sometimes Joong's girlfriend will be jealous, but in the end, love wins, with a few sweet words from Joong and a cake.

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