CH - 6

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Summer is a time to rest. Many tourists come to Thailand. The country's tourism industry has developed rapidly in recent years, causing average revenue to increase significantly.

At the busy airport, a guy with light brown hair pulled a suitcase down from the plane. He has an attractive appearance, wearing a simple polo shirt and jeans, but his aura still radiates.

Dunk saw him from afar and waved his hand.


Pond turned his eyes towards the call, smiled and walked over. He hasn't seen you for a long time.

"How's it goin?"

"So so." Dunk replied. "Where are your family members? Why did you make me come all the way here to pick you up? It's a waste of time."

Pond laughed, tilting his head. "I want you to be the first person I see when I get back."

Dunk glared at him, cursed 'crazy', then they both got in a taxi and left the noisy airport.

The Thai sun is bright but not too harsh. Compared to many places with erratic climate, many people still prefer the stable weather of this place.

The cafe in the morning is not too crowded. This place is decorated in a modern style with the main white tone, loved by many young people today, and choose it as a familiar check-in location.

Two glasses of Latte were served. Dunk thanked the waiter, brought the cup of coffee to his lips to enjoy. He always liked the bitter taste of Latte, rather than the sweet and fatty drinks that Joong often drank.

"Why did you suddenly come back?" Dunk asked when he felt the scent of coffee in his nose. The latte here is really delicious.

"Just miss you." Pond's latte has a little sugar added. That's his habit, two packets of nonfat sugar.

Dunk rolled his eyes. Pond is always like that, always likes to tease him.

To talk about both of their pasts, it's a bit funny. They dated for a short period of time, when they were both in their first year of high school. That relationship is developed from the words "best friend." They came together simply because they wanted to avoid the trouble of being pursued by too many people, when they both had outstanding looks at school. However, it was still a beautiful love that whenever asked anyone in school at that time, that person would talk about them with admiration. The two only broke up when Pond had to go to Singapore to study abroad. Others said that they came together silently, and it ended very peacefully.

"Be serious, asshole." He looked at him. "You left here, do your parents know?"

Pond hunched his shoulders, not paying much attention.

"It doesn't matter whether I know it or not. I won't stay forever in a foreign land, it's boring. Besides, when I come here, I'm still in love with you."

Dunk gave him a middle finger, not paying attention to him anymore. Pond laughed, Dunk was still as easy to tease as ever.

"But it seems like I have no chance of getting back to you."

Dunk raised his eyebrows in confusion. Pond pointed at his neck, his voice extremely joking.

"There's no need to be so obvious if you're marking ownership. Damn, as soon as you got here, you blinded me with those hickeys."

Dunk was startled. He forgot to wear a turtleneck a little to cover them up. He sighed in his heart, so he went everywhere with his neck full of marks like this?

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