CH - 13

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Joong has been avoiding him for over a week now, since that incident. Dunk also went to look for Joong in the classroom, or at home, but couldn't find him. He completely avoided it, no matter how hard he wanted to find it, he couldn't find it.

Joong knew the truth that Dunk wanted to hide. He knew the needle in the bag would come out one day, but Joong found out too early. And anyway, Chen never appeared again, so Dunk planned to hide it from him for the rest of his life.

But in the end he discovered it himself.


Dunk stood in front of his bedroom door. His mother had said he wasn't home when he came looking for him, but of course Dunk didn't believe it. He convinced his mother to let him come in for a few minutes, he just wanted to talk to him. Joong's mother saw his sincerity and opened the door to let him in.

Looking at his footsteps going up the stairs, she sighed. Why did two children who were so close become like this?

Dunk raised his hand and knocked on the rough black wooden door, calling softly.

"Joong, open the door for me. I know you're inside."

There was no response. Dunk persisted and continued.

"I just ask for a few minutes of your time, then I'll leave right away. Joong, open the door for me."

In the room, Joong lay quietly on the bed, ignoring Dunk's calls outside. He didn't want to see him right now, he didn't have the courage to face him after everything he had done.

How can I be worthy of his sacrifice?

That day, Joong thought a lot. How could I give birth to such a violent personality? Why did Dunk have to endure what his second personality created? Why does Pond always say hidden things to him?

He wanted to say sorry to him, sorry for hurting him, sorry for making him suffer. But he can't, he don't dare.

So he decided to become a coward, hide from reality, hide from the person he loves.

"Joong," He heard Dunk's voice tremble slightly. "I beg you, can you open the door?"

Are you crying? Joong quickly sat up and walked to the door. But when his hand touched the door knob, he suddenly stopped.

I still can't.

"I did all that for you, because I loved you. You didn't do anything wrong, you didn't know. It was my fault for hiding it from you. But I can't tell you. I won't tell you anything." Can you accept it knowing that you have another cruel person like that? Joong, I'm sorry, please open the door, I was wrong."

Even though he suffered pain, Dunk still admitted his mistakes. He didn't want Joong to be tormented about what happened, about what he didn't know.

I want the person in my heart to always be as bright as before.

Joong clenched his fists. This made him feel even more heartbroken. He wasn't wrong, not one bit. He was the victim in this matter, but he took the blame for him. His words made him feel even more ashamed.

Dunk's response was still silence. He sighed, gently rubbing the wooden surface of the tightly closed door

"I will always wait for you, waiting for the day we can meet. No matter how long it takes, I will wait. I miss you so much."

After that there was no more sound. Joong guessed he had left. He could imagine his sad face standing in front of this door. But he couldn't do anything other than use it as a shield for his cowardice.

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