CH - 5

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He sucked hard on his neck, his hand groping down to undo his belt, revealing his erection that had been erect for a long time. Without lubrication, without warning, he must have pushed his entire length into that small anus, causing him pain and stiffness.

Dunk's white hands clung to the wall to support his body from falling. Physiological tears rolled down his eyes, he gritted his teeth to endure each of his thrusts.

Chen was always like that, violence and cruelty trampled him.

Your throat can't stand it and makes a few sounds. His body rose every time he thrust his hips. His right arm, which had been locked behind him, had begun to ache.

Chen hugged his body and moved to the sofa in the living room. He pressed his body down, held his slim waist tightly and continued to thrust. Dunk buried his face in the chair, not wanting to let out amorous moans. He hated himself like this, with his body reacting to his every touch.

"You're enjoying it, aren't you? You want me so much. Look, your lower mouth is clamped so tightly that you don't want me to leave."

His tongue is always so shameless. And he hated it even more when those words were spoken in Joong's deep voice.

Chen squeezed his ass tightly and continued to thrust in and out violently. There were countless large and small wounds on his body, and he was happy to add another one. He gently brushed the skin on his back, then used his nails to scratch a line from his spine to his tailbone. A new wound was formed, oozing bright red blood.

Dunk frowned at the pain, tilted his head up and cried out with tremors.

"Don't do that... It'll leave a scar...please"

Chen continued his work behind him, pressing his lips to the nape of his neck, lips slightly raised.

"Don't you really like the scars I left? The mark of our love."

"No... U... Joong will see it." I don't want you to see those ugly things.

Chen stopped his movements and looked at his pained face. He gritted his teeth and hit his butt hard, making it red.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear you say that name around me."

It seemed he was very angry. The speed of his thrusting hips suddenly became faster and stronger. He turned him over so they could face him, pinning his arms above his head. He squeezed his neck, hissing through his teeth.

"What do you think I want? To live in this damn weak body? I never asked for that, you know that?"

He frantically moved in and out of you. His bottom was torn open, a little blood flowed down, but Chen didn't care about that. His mind now had only one thing, that he had to make Dunk remember, not that damn Joong Archen Aydin.

Why is it always Joong in Dunk's heart, and not him?

He roared and shot out inside him. Letting go of his limp body, he sat up, put on his clothes, and then lit a cigarette. Nicotine in the medicine is the only thing that can keep him calm right now.

Dunk breathed weakly and looked at him. That handsome face now had an emotion that he couldn't explain.

Reaching out to gently touch his body, he spoke.


"Why can't you call me by my name, just once Dunk ?" He blew stinging white smoke into the air, still not looking at him.

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