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Dunk held the invitation card in his hand, not sure what words to use to describe his mood right now.

A few days ago, Joong called him, announcing that he was getting married and the invitation would arrive in a few days. Hearing his voice over the phone, I guessed that he were very happy.

At first he was quite surprised, not because he was about to become married, but because he invited him to the wedding. Inviting his ex to the wedding is not necessarily a good idea.

But he said that on his important day, people important to him must also witness it.

Dunk sighed looking at the delicately printed white card. Finally, the day that Joong gets to marry the person he loves the most has come.

What should I feel now?

"What are you doing love?"

He was startled by Archen's hug from behind. He rested his chin on his shoulder, looking down at the object in that beautiful hand.

"Are you sorry?"

He realized his self-pity was like a big abandoned dog, and felt funny. Archen is 32 years old, but his personality is still like that of a child.

Dunk could not admit that his resurrection was a spectacular transformation. He is no longer a person who only uses his fists to talk, instead there is absolute gentleness whenever he is next to him. Dunk also discovered that he must be extremely attached to people, especially liking to spoil him, just like a child. He no longer had any characteristics of his old self.

Except for sex, he is still a beast in bed, this point remains unchanged.

But no problem, I like it.

"Actually, hitting you first was just to remind you of me. It's not really my true personality, not at all Dunk." He once said that when he wondered about him changing so much, and of course he got beaten up by his cat scratching martial arts.

Well, probably not protesting. He likes the look on his face when he's angry, he looks so damn pretty, making him want to tease him even more.

"I'm thinking about my old love. I'm bored of you."

His neck tickled as he kept rubbing it. Dunk rolled his eyes and lightly hit him on the head.

"Don't talk nonsense. You're a father, grow up a bit, let your child learn."

Yes, as soon as the devil is mentioned, the devil immediately comes. A pretty boy ran out of the bedroom and hugged his leg.

"Little dad, I'm hungry."

Dunk removed his arms from around his waist, ignored his deflated expression, and bent down to comfort the child.

"Once you've finished eating, don't eat anything else, Jayd. You'll get bloated."

"But I'm very hungry." Jayd started crying. And I was most scared when this demon kid played crocodile tears with me.

Dunk sighed, pulled a lollipop from the top of the cabinet, and gave it to the kid.

"Here you go. But you have to eat dinner later, you know? Big dad will supervise you. You know how scary big dad is, right?"

Although little Jayd is mischievous, when it comes to his big dad, he has no choice but to obey.

He's so scary, he just grabs it and puts it on top of the toy cabinet and laughs happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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