CH - 11

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Joong recently no longer lost a piece of his memory like before.

In the past, he often forgot what he did for a while. He often wakes up, or finds himself in a place, or doing something unrelated to the memories he had. For example, when he was at school, a few hours later, he was somewhere else, and couldn't remember how he got here, or with whom. Everything in his head was just an empty white space.

He had looked up this phenomenon online, and learned that it was short-term memory loss. That is, the sick person will lose a piece of memory for a certain period of time. That time can be long or short, a few minutes or up to a few days. This is a psychological disease, caused by a number of health disorders.

But Joong lives a very moderate life, the possibility of health problems is very low.

Perhaps that day, his memory of the conversation between him and Pond also disappeared due to this illness.

In the end, what did the two of them say? Why did Pond's eyes always look at him in such a strange way when they met for the second time?

While thinking, he stopped at Dunk's apartment door. Joong was stunned, he had no intention of coming here today. But his steps were out of habit, so in the end he was standing here.

Well, what can you do? Once you've arrived, you'll just have to go in.

Joong raised his hand to ring the bell a few times, thinking of an excuse for his presence at this time. The door opened and Dunk appeared with wet hair.

"What are you doing here this early in the morning?"

Joong looked at him. He currently only has a thin white shirt with the first two buttons open, and underneath are beige shorts that he usually wears at home. Her wet hair dripped down to his collarbone, then disappeared behind a thin layer of clothing. Perhaps because there was hot water in the bathroom, Dunk's lips were red

A loud 'bang' echoed in his head. Joong inhaled a cold breath, his throat suddenly became dry when he first saw him in this appearance.

Dunk like that is too seductive.

But he unfortunately didn't pay attention to his unusual eyes, went inside and carelessly wiped his wet hair. Joong gulped, walked over, picked up the towel that was in Dunk's hand, and helped him dry his hair.

"You took too long, let me."

His hand began to move. A layer of towel away, he could still feel the other person's soft hair. The characteristic mint scent of his hair fascinated him. Seen from above, he is really so adorable.

Dunk lowered his head slightly to play with his phone, revealing the white nape of his neck. Joong looked at that place, it no longer had bruises or hickeys like before, but had returned to the same color soft white.

Has Dunk always had such a delicate neck?

Joong suddenly had the thought of touching it.

His movements of wiping his hair gradually became slower, his right hand slowly moved to the nape of his neck. The entire large hand covered the smooth skin.

Dunk reflexively stood up, startled.

"What are you doing?"

Joong was confused. He just wanted to lightly touch it, but in the end he made a strangling motion without knowing why.

As if it was his instinct.

"I'm sorry, I just wiped the water off your neck."

A terrible lie that he knew Dunk would not believe.

"Come here, I won't do that again."

He reached out towards him, but Dunk backed away immediately. Joong noticed that there was extreme fear in his eyes right now.

He had never seen this scared look of him.

Are you afraid of him?

His head suddenly buzzed. Some vague images appeared in him. They just pass by very quickly and then disappear again. Joong held his forehead, stood up from the chair, quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

He leaned against the sink, panting. What do those blurry images mean? Why do you see them as such a kind of memory?

"Joong? Are you okay?"

Outside, Dunk's voice was worriedly asking him. He knocked a few times on the door to make sure Joong could still hear him. Joong was about to speak up to respond to him, but a series of other images appeared in his mind, just like a movie.

He saw Dunk being beaten, abused, and fucked until he passed out. On his body were wounds of various sizes that were constantly bleeding. The old wound has not healed yet and the new wound is pressing on it. Not a single part of his body was healthy. He saw Dunk's painful face, saw him cry, saw him exhausted right in the middle of a rainstorm because he was so tired.

And the person who did all that to me was you.

Even though Dunk pleaded many times, he still did not let him go. He continued to use bad words to abuse him, until he couldn't bear it anymore and lost consciousness.

His eyes were filled with fear, just like the eyes he had just looked at him a few minutes ago.

No, it can not like this.

Joong screamed, just like a crazy person. He looked at himself in the mirror, feeling that the face he saw every day was now so strange. He didn't recognize himself, no matter how many times he tried to rub his eyes, the result was still the same.

"Joong, open the door for me. What happened?!" Dunk banged on the door, speaking in panic. He didn't know what problem Joong was having inside that small bathroom. He is very afraid of the unknown, and now that it involves Joong, the fear has increased many times over.

There was no response, which made Dunk even more worried. He tried to turn the door knob, at the same time banging hard on the white wooden surface many times.

"Joong, can you hear me? Open the door for me, right now."

Joong was still staring at the reflection in the mirror. Dunk couldn't hear any calls or banging on the door outside.

His eyes met the scar on the back of his hand. At that time, Dunk said that he accidentally hit his hand on the mirror, which is why there was such a deep tear. Even though his explanation was very unreasonable, he still chose to believe it, because at that time he had no other way to explain.

But now, he remembered everything. It wasn't because of accident like he said, but he punched himself in the mirror, after torturing Dunk's body with a violent lovemaking session.

He also clearly remembered every word he said, when he said that he could torture him however he wanted, as long as he didn't hurt himself.

In the end, it was him, these two hands, that made the person he loved the most suffer all the humiliation and pain.

"You realize?"

Joong felt the reflection in the mirror showing a devilish smile. A voice identical to his echoed in his head.

"I thought you'd never know, but you're better than I thought."

The room rotates. Joong felt short of breath. The surrounding noises gradually subsided. Everything became white before my eyes.

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