CH - 8

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The cake shop on the corner of the street welcomed new customers. The space is not too big, but it is always crowded. The desserts here are delicious and famous in Thailand, loved by all ages.

Pond raised the strawberry tea cup to his mouth. He has a habit of drinking it with a cheesecake. He kept this habit even when he was in a foreign country. And this bakery is also a familiar stop for him.

"How's Dunk?"

He asked the person in front of him, holding a fork in his hand and putting a piece of cake in his mouth. The flavor is still as rich.

"His fever has gone down, but he still has a slight headache. He's probably sleeping now."

Joong replied. This morning, as soon as he left home, he received a call from an unfamiliar number. When he picked up the phone, Pond's deep voice came through the phone speaker, saying he wanted to see him.

And that's why they're sitting together like they are now.

"His health has never been very stable. If he gets sick, he will get very sick. I often have to remind Dunk to take medicine "

From the first time they met, Pond had a certain impression of Joong. Dunk wasn't the type of person who would let anyone into his house arbitrarily. He was probably the only person who knew his door code. But now with this person, Dunk certainly respects him very much.

And he must have realized that their feelings came from both sides, just through the eyes he looked at him at that time. It was a very clear look at a love rival. Pond linked the kiss marks on Dunk's neck the day he picked him up at the airport, and the lie that Joong was just a friend, he came to the conclusion that the relationship between these two people was not normal. An extremely uncomfortable ambiguity.

Pond couldn't help it so he wanted to tease him a bit.

"When he was sick, Dunk was very clingy and turned into a cat that pampered others. He was so clingy that I had to miss school for about 2 days to take care of him. Although I was eventually disciplined by the teacher, I was able to see his pouting appearance, I
still felt it was worth it."

It seemed like his words had successfully provoked Joong. His face is not very natural right now, there is also a hint of discomfort flashing in his eyes.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Let's tell the old story." Pond smiled, leaning against the back of the chair behind him. "Maybe he didn't show that whiny attitude towards you?"

Actually, Dunk wasn't like that when he was sick. He always tries to take care of himself and avoid bothering others. Dunk doesn't want to owe anyone anything. Even when he was in love with Pond, he was the same. Looks like Joong was treated the same way as him.

"Oh, I said something wrong. I thought he would do the same thing to you, but it turns out he didn't. Is he just like that with me? I was so careless."

Joong clenched his fist. Pond's triumphant expression made him itchy.

He understood what he meant by his words, and he didn't like it. But he couldn't do anything to him, because he was probably right.

He had never seen Dunk show childishness towards him once. He always considered himself a big brother, so he took good care of him and always asked him questions whenever he had a problem. Because after all, he is older than you, so he sees those things as something that must be done.

"I'm going to the bathroom for a moment."

Pond looked at his back walking towards the door, clicking his tongue. What a child, I can't stand even a little teasing.

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