CH - 2

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A day at school passed boringly. For Dunk, subjects that only have theory are very dry and lacking in practicality. He always enjoys the days of studying in the practice room rather than just sitting in a large hall and listening to lectures.

Joong had finished school earlier, and was waiting for him in the school yard. He has a dazzling appearance, successfully stealing the hearts of many girls, even boys secretly have a crush on him.

Some time later, they began to see another person frequently appearing next to Joong. It was a teenager with bright sparkling eyes and a bright smile. They look extremely compatible together, so there are many rumors that the two are a couple.

That person is Dunk.

"P'Dunk, here."

Dunk walked back to where he was standing. The summer sun in Thailand is a bit bright, reflecting on his beautiful face.

"Are you free tonight? Let's go see a movie." Joong, as usual, put his arm around his shoulder, then walked together.

Dunk thought for a moment. It's been a long time since I went to the cinema. I don't remember the last time I saw a movie in theaters.


"Great." Joong was happy to receive his agreement. "So I'll pick you up at 7pm tonight?"

Dunk nodded, looking at his appearance, he didn't understand why Joong was so excited when he agreed to this invitation to go out. Well, he doesn't really care about that. Just being by Joong's side is enough.


Dunk put on a light orange shirt and held a hair dryer through his newly washed hair. His mouth hummed the lyrics of a certain song that he didn't even remember the name of, he just felt it was good. He looks really happy.

The doorbell rang. Dunk turned off the dryer, fixed his hair a bit and opened the door. It's still quite early, maybe he should invite Joong in for a drink before leaving.

The door opened, a tall figure wearing a black T-shirt fell into his sight.

"Remember me?"

Dunk backed away in panic. The other person followed the momentum and entered the room, conveniently locking the door. He observed him from head to toe, curling his mouth.

"Dressing beautifully like this, going on a date?"

Dunk dug his nails into his palm and looked at him. Chen saw that he didn't respond to him and raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong? The dog swallowed your tongue?"

Just as he was about to run away, he reached out and grabbed him. He grabbed his chin, squeezing it tightly, his voice sharp.

"Why are you dressing up in front of another guy? Did I allow you to do that or not?"

"Let me go..."

"You said we were lovers, but you still have the mind to go on a date with another guy? Looks like I have to teach you a lesson."

He pushed him down on the bed, one hand tearing the pitiful clothes off his body. He bent down and bit hard on his neck, leaving a new bite mark on top of the old marks that had not yet dissolved. His hands grabbed his arms and placed them on top of his head, locking them tightly. He kissed him roughly, his tongue like a snake wriggling into every corner of his mouth. There was a fishy taste of blood mixed with saliva when his lips were bitten until torn.

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