CH - 7

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Dunk's heart pounded loudly when he heard his voice. Chen gritted his teeth, walked towards him and pushed him back.

"You're so good, aren't you? Just after not seeing each other for a while, you can immediately run after someone else. You don't take what I say, right?"

Dunk's head was hit hard against the back of the chair, which already hurt even more. His eyes were dull and lifeless as he looked at him, his throat was dry and hot, unable to utter a word.

This made Chen even more mad. He pressed his body down, using his elbow to press his chest. His eyes widened and he shouted angrily.

"Are you dumb? Answer me, you slept with him when I wasn't here, right? I can't satisfy your slutty bottom mouth alone? Do you still need someone else?"

The nerves in Dunk's head were now tense. His mind was spinning, his eyes were dizzy. He didn't have any strength left to deal with someone as strong as him.

Why does he always like to torment you like that?

Trying to open his mouth, Dunk's voice was now hoarse and could not be heard clearly.

"I don't want to see you..."

With a snap sound, the thin T-shirt on his body was torn. He used that cloth to tie his hands and place them on top of his head. He growled.

"You are only allowed to look at me alone."

Dunk didn't even have the strength to open his eyes to look at him. He desperately tilted his head to one side to avoid the kiss that was about to fall on his lips, muttering softly.

"Release me..."

Then everything before him fell into darkness.

Seeing Dunk suddenly motionless, Chen frowned. What tricks was dunk playing with him again?

He touched his chin, wanting to force him to look at him, but when he touched that skin, he was suddenly startled.

Why is his body temperature so hot?

Chen pressed his hand to his forehead, it was incredibly hot. He panicked and stood up from Dunk, went inside to find a thermometer, some fever-reducing pills, and a cool towel.

The heat emitted from his body also made Chen sweat. He pulled the blanket over him after helping him wipe his body. Dunk has a mild fever and will probably get better after taking medicine.

But the problem is, how can dunk drink medicine when he is motionless like that?

Chen thought for a while, then sighed, bit the pill with his teeth and drank some water, then covered his pale lips with his.

The coolness of his lips made Dunk feel comfortable unconsciously.

He wiped the corner of his slightly wet mouth, making sure Dunk had swallowed the pill, then adjusted his position so he could sleep most comfortably.

Dunk's steady breathing was the only thing making sound in the room right now.

This wasn't the first time he saw him sleeping. Chen always feels that watching his sleeping face is a very peaceful thing.

Perhaps it was the most peaceful thing in his life.

He raised his hand to gently stroke his soft hair, his eyes had some complicated features.

If he were a separate individual, would Dunk have noticed him completely?

He knows that Dunk always sees him as a parasitic life form on the body of the person he loves. And must really hate that. He didn't want Dunk to look at him like that. He wanted Dunk to see him as a complete person, unrelated to Joong. That's why he's always cruel to him, so dunk can remember that it's definitely not Joong.

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