CH - 3

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Chen continued to smoke, his eyes never leaving Dunk. He is heavily addicted to drugs, and a pack of cigarettes is an inseparable object for him every time he goes out.

He always looked at him with interested eyes like watching a prey struggle before dying. His cold smile always gave me goosebumps. His masculine, angular face exuded an attractive but extremely cold look. He shares the same face as Joong.
Not just the face, but also the body.

"You never smile when you're around me." His voice made Dunk look up. The medicine has burned to the filter tip. He threw it on the floor and let it burn itself out.

"What's wrong? Don't you always show your obnoxious smiling face in front of Joong? Why when it's my turn, you can only whine in the same voice as the guys outside the bar?  Even though we've reached the top many times together, you still don't smile at me."

Dunk was silent. I don't want to hear anything more from you anymore. His whole body ached from the rough sex he had just had, and his anus was so swollen that he couldn't sit normally.

Why do you have to laugh for him, when he must trample on your body and soul five times seven times?

"Because I'm not your weak Joong right dunk ?"

He laughed. The boy in front of him was always the easiest thing for him to grasp.

"That's why you never once showed me your fucking smile, even though I tried to please you every time your back hole clamped down on my penis? Not when licking and sucking it, are you also very happy?"

Chen pressed closer to him, his expression becoming softer.

"P'Dunk, don't you love me?"

Dunk was startled when he heard that voice. He raised his eyes to look at that face, reaching out to touch the tanned skin.


A sharp sound rang out when that large hand slapped him hard in the face. Blood oozed from the wound on his mouth. Dunk hissed in pain as he once again squeezed his neck.

"You said the wrong name again, you bastard." He gritted his teeth. "You love it very much, right? You loved it so much that I used its body to trample you, but you still accepted it, and the next morning showed a happy expression to please it."

He licked his earlobe, feeling his shoulders shaking slightly.

"Do you know how much I hate it, when you never call me by my name dunk ?"

Tears rolled down from Dunk's eyes. He cried again. I'm always like that, I can only cry in front of him.

"How do you say I should smile at you Chen ?"

Chen paused. Observing his helpless and scared eyes, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"That's right, how can you smile at me, when in your heart you always hate me?"

He let go of him, put on the clothes that were scattered on the floor and went into the bathroom. Dunk curled his hands tightly, his eyes blurred by the steam. How can you hate that face?

When Dunk looked up again, he met the worried eyes of the person who had just come out of the bathroom.


Dunk swallowed his saliva and spoke hoarsely. "Joong?"

"P'Dunk, what happened to you?"

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