CH - 19

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The first day of winter vacation has finally arrived. The weather is also much colder, although not to the point of having to wear cotton clothes outside.

For a lazy person like Dunk, instead of going somewhere to enjoy a beautiful day like this, when the cool breeze and sunlight shine, he chooses to curl up in a blanket and Enjoy your time off after a hard semester.

His day would have been so peaceful, if it weren't for the phone ringing at 7 am.

"Fuck Pond, your business should be important or I will kill you for daring to ruin my sleep." Picking up the phone to listen, he grumbled in a deep voice of still-not-yet sleepiness.

The other end of the line burst into laughter at his reaction. "I guessed right, you lazy worm is sleeping. But don't you feel guilty lying in bed on a day like this?"


"Anyway," Pond didn't notice his attitude. "Do you want to go out for a drink tonight? The high school kids invited you."

Dunk hesitated a bit. He's not the party type, that's clear. But it's really been too long since he last saw his high school friends. He is quite curious about how their lives are now.

"I don't think I should." In the end he still refused.

"Hey, why is that? I'm by your side, no need to be shy."

The issue is not whether to be shy or not.

"Come on, come. Everyone misses you too." Pond pleaded. "Perth said he couldn't contact you since you went to college because you changed your number and no longer use your old SNS account. They also want to celebrate because I'm back in Thailand. You won't let Your best friend lonely, right?"

Dunk sighed. It's not unreasonable for him to say that since he returned, I haven't had a proper meal with him. A feeling of guilt arose in his heart, and he agreed. Pond happily said that the party would take place at 8pm, and he would send him the address later.

Turning off the phone, Dunk turned to the side. The other half of the bed was empty, the cold air on it told him that the person had left a long time ago.

It's rare for Joong to wake up before him like this. Usually he would always wake up first to prepare breakfast, and 15 minutes later he would appear in a semi-conscious state of sleepiness. The fact that he left so early made him quite curious.

Anyway, his sleep was completely ruined now, thanks to his precious friend. He got out of bed, cleaned himself up, changed into his pajamas and walked out.

At that moment the apartment door also opened. Joong walked in, his cheeks were slightly red because of the weather outside. His hair is neatly slicked back, revealing a high forehead and a handsome, masculine face.

He had been in the habit of stroking his bangs for a while now, as Dunk remembered. Although he really likes his natural loose hairstyle, this new hairstyle of his is also very beautiful, from his perspective. And he doesn't object that it makes Joong look older, even older than him.

"Where are coming from ? "

Dunk noticed that in his hand was a bouquet of sunflowers that had not yet fully bloomed, some of them were still in buds. He saw him coming, put the bouquet in front of him, then smiled lightly.

"For you."


"You should replace that withered bundle in the corner, it looks very unsightly."

Dunk held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. It was still very fresh, as if it had just been harvested from the flower garden.

"Don't tell me you left home so early to buy this."

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