CH 17

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The cold wind is blowing. The sound of leaves rustling. On the street, everyone is busy with their own work. There will be cups of half-drinked coffee, pieces of cake that have not yet been eaten so they can get to work, school, or whatever is in their plans for today.

After cleaning himself, Dunk went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He took a few slices of bread and put them in the oven, opened the refrigerator to get a few eggs and frozen pork belly, then turned on the stove and started cooking. With a ringing sound, the bread was ready, just in time for the omlete eggs and pork belly to be completed. Putting them on a plate, he turned around to pour himself a glass of fruit juice and brewed a cup of strong coffee.

Since they started dating, he and Joong have moved in together, in other words, Joong has moved into his apartment. Dunk protested a lot, saying he was afraid his parents wouldn't agree, but Joong insisted on having Dunk in his sight, afraid that something bad would happen to him when he wasn't around.

He said he didn't want the previous incident to be repeated again.

He placed a plate of bread with eggs and bacon on the table, next to a cup of hot coffee. Since he said he didn't like sweets, he changed his breakfast to coffee, and also didn't buy him any food with too much sugar.

Joong usually wakes up about 15 minutes later than him, every day. Even though in the past, he was always the one who came to call him to school when he was still sleepy. At that time, when the sun had just risen, the bright smile on his face was still present, showing that he was very happy and did not feel tired at all even though he had to wake up early.

Maybe when you live together, you change a bit, because you don't have to go to his house to go to school together anymore.Maybe so.

With a click, the bedroom door opened. Joong appeared with a lethargic appearance, not completely awake. Dunk wished his partner a good morning with a smile, then sat down on the chair and began to eat his breakfast.

Chen felt that this body's physical condition was really not good. There was no way he could have been awake in the morning right from the moment he woke up, and he probably hated himself for being in such a defenseless state. But fortunately, Dunk's morning coffee always keeps me awake.

Actually, he is not considered a coffee addict, he just can drink it, and because it is the only thing that can help him fight the fatigue of a long day. He also noticed that Dunk had changed from fresh milk to coffee in his breakfast. He didn't know why he suddenly changed like that, but he didn't object. Anyway, milk is not something that can help him.

The two chatted for a while while enjoying their breakfast. Dunk mostly did the talking, and probably just sat and listened. He also didn't know what to say to him, because he was probably afraid that with his personality, he would say  harsh words again. So he chose to stay silent, listening to Dunk happily tell his story.

He realized that he really liked looking at Dunk in his lively appearance. He is like a sunflower that blooms even when the weather is cold, glowing in his heart.

If he knew the person sitting across from him was chen, he probably wouldn't show such a happy expression, right?

I always hated him.

They finished their breakfast and then went to school. Winter break is still a few days away. There are also students who have asked for leave in advance, and the normally crowded schoolyard has become a little more deserted.

"Let's go see a movie tonight?"

Dunk breathed into his hands, hunching his shoulders against the cold. Chen frowned at his actions. He clearly told him to keep himself warm, but in the end he only wore a thin coat. He took my hand and put in it the small heating bag that he had kept in his coat pocket.

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