CH - 12

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The room is covered in pure white. The entire space does not have any other colors, only white that hurts the eyes.

Joong noticed there was a table in the middle of the room, and of course, it was also white. Opposite the table was a boy with his back to him, wearing a black shirt. That is probably the only color besides white in this place.

He walked towards that person, although he didn't know if this was the right decision, but other than that, he didn't know what else to do with this evil room.

"Already here?"

Joong looked at that person and widened his eyes when he saw that he must have the same appearance as him. But his hair is slicked back, and his carefree expression will never appear on you.

"You standing there all day won't help anything, you idiot."

Joong realized that although he might look similar to him, his personality was completely opposite. His tongue probably won't be able to utter any kind words.

He couldn't accept those vulgar words coming out of his voice.

"You're very useless, do you know that?"

Chen raised his eyebrows at him, his face only showing contempt. Joong frowned, pulled out the chair opposite him and sat down.

"You have no right to speak to me like that."

"No right?" Chen burst out laughing. "I've been with your weak body for so long, don't I have the right to talk about how useless you are?"

Every line on his face is his, every millimeter similar to him. He couldn't imagine himself being like this when he became a bastard.

He hates it.

"I always have to appear every time your empty brain doesn't know what to do, and solve all your troubles. You never think why your life goes smoothly without Do you encounter any difficulties? Because I always have to help you and you just have to enjoy your beautiful life."

His voice was extremely calm but made Joong feel suffocated. His eyes seemed to want to dig deep into his soul, dig it out and trample it.

"I never made you do that."

"OH." He smirked. "But I don't have any other choice? That's why you gave birth to me, right?"

"I am the one who goes through the most miserable and worst things for you. Whenever you feel your life is pathetic, remember me, the person who helps you overcome those things."


Two years ago, he was stopped and beaten by a group of thugs because their leader thought he was having an affair with his girlfriend. At that time, he was just an 11th grade boy, an age that was no longer young, but not old enough to compete with those people. The moment he was hit on the back of the neck with a wooden stick, his other personality was awakened.

This personality is responsible for protecting him from all dangers, which is Chen.

Therefore, he has a personality opposite to Joong, violent and careless. His health is also different from yours, even though they share the same body.

That day, he used his bare hands to seriously injure all of those people. When the mission is complete, Joong will return, completely without memory of what happened.

He had coexisted with him like that, for a long time in silence.

Until he saw Dunk.

Something urged him, forcing him to step out into the light, to gain control of the subject. That desire increased every time he saw Dunk being intimate with someone, seeing Dunk smiling with someone else, through Joong's eyes.

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