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🎧 Blossom ★ Lia-Itzy

Hyeongjun arrived at school rather early, today was the day that they would be presenting their drama project. He was extremely nervous, not only because he hated talking in front of the class. But also because the past week had just been torture for him. Seungmin hadn't talked to him all week except for over text for the project and that was extremely rare.

He didn't blame Seungmin though because what he asked was extremely insensitive. He hated himself for what he had done.

Someone sat next to him, he was expecting it to be Jungsu or Jooyeon, as either the former sat next to him or the younger boy wanted to talk to him for the project.

But it was none of those.

"Hyeongjun right?" The boy mentioned examined the person next to him. It was someone who he didn't exactly recognise. He already knew the boy, as he had already seen him in the class.

The introvert nodded quietly, he was trying to remember his name.

"I'm Goo Gunil" The boy smiled at the younger. Hyeongjun timidly smiled back. He now remembered who it was. The boy that had gotten Jungsu mad at Seungmin.

"Recently, you seem to be stressed" Well, there are many reasons. Too many, I'm still just 16.

"I am, I don't like presenting things" Hyeongjun looked at the desk, he felt Gunil comfortingly patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry, it'll go smoothly! Okay?" Gunil reassured the younger boy. Hyeongjun felt better after hearing that, not good, but better, maybe it was the tone of Gunil's voice that made him feel better. Or maybe it was the kind words.

A couple more students entered the classroom, Gunil excused himself before standing up as Seungmin was one of those students.

Hyeongjun felt his heart drop after seeing him, what he had asked a couple of days earlier wasn't good.

The teacher entered the class. Hyeongjun felt his breath quicken. He wished Jungsu was next to him, so he could deconcentrate on the stress.

"Alright which group first! Today, I have Oh Seungmin's group, Yang Jungwon's and Kim Jungsu's." The teacher announced, she looked around and realised that Jungsu was missing.

She thought for a while of what to do. But just before she could find a solution, the door opened in one swift motion. It quickly closed again and then a knock was heard. The teacher opened the door, and a boy's voice was apologising.

Jungsu was the boy, he quickly went to his seat. He greeted Hyeongjun and asked him about what had happened over the time that he was gone.

"Yang Jungwon, your group first" The teacher went to the side and the group of three went to the board to present their project.

"To be honest, this week has been pretty bad" Hyeongjun whispered, Jungsu was immediately concerned by the boy's response.

"Wh-what happened?" The boy asked, lowering his voice. Hyeongjun looked at Jungsu, trying to find the right way to say what happened.

"Well, Seungmin and I were together, with Jooyeon, and I thought they kissed, so I asked him if they were dating and he got mad, and he won't talk to me anymore" Jungsu was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to comfort the younger boy. He awkwardly patted his friend's shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault, you just asked something out of innocent curiosity." He tried to calm the guitarist. The boy shyly nodded.

But before they had enough time to continue their discussions, Hyeongjun's group was called to the board.

He felt his heart drop, he wasn't ready at all for that. But, he had too, he felt his legs shaking as he went towards the front of the classroom. A huge wave of panic came across him as he turned to see the whole class. A lump in his throat started forming. He wasn't sure he could do it. Jooyeon started speaking, presenting everything. But Hyeongjun couldn't concentrate, his thoughts were taken over by anxiety.

Seungmin was looking at him concerned, he knew that Hyeongjun was usually a rather calm person. But anyone could tell that he was not good.

The older boy looked around the classroom before pulling Hyeongjun closer to him. There was a table right in front of them, so that was why Seungmin was about to do what he did.

He took Hyeongjun's hand and interlocked fingers with him. The introvert was taken by surprise. After this whole week he wouldn't have expected to

Seungmin tried to suppress the blood rushing in his cheeks. He couldn't blush in front of the entire class. Not at this moment. Any other time would be fine.

He felt Hyeongjun hold his hand even tighter as he was about to speak. The younger boy took a deep breath.

By the way Hyeongjun was talking, you would've never guessed that he was panicking just before. He spoke clearly, without any hesitation. Seungmin was in awe. He couldn't believe this was the same boy that was about to cry because of the panic moments before.

Once the three had finished their project, Seungmin leaned over to Hyeongjun's ear. "You did so well" He whispered to the boy. The introvert didn't know how to react to that, so he just quietly nodded before letting go of Seungmin's hand and returning to his seat where Jungsu immediately congratulated him.

The weight of the world was off his shoulders now. He could finally breathe.

Seungmin was feeling tons of emotions after holding Hyeongjun's hand. Gunil could tell, but he decided to not say anything.



And happy may!

-Jude out!


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