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Buckheart shuddered as he took his first step into the swollen river. The rain had settled into a passive drizzle. It was so gentle that Frostcloud almost couldn't believe that the frightening storm that had happened the night before really occurred. Not far from where the warriors stood a tree had collapsed and taken several branches from its neighbors down with it.

But the time Buckheart had gotten shoulder-deep into the rapid churning waters, Leafear's head was already breaking the surface. She wadded out of the water- her coat was thoroughly drenched but clean. She reached the bank and shook her body- sending icy droplets of water on Froustcloud and Feathertail.

"Now if you'll excuse me-" She huffed as water still dripped from her fur, "I need to find Dustclaw."

Crowfur pressed forward close to Buckheart. The deputies teeth chattered miserably. "I'm going down." He said before plunging his head below the surface. Only a moment passed before he bobbed back up- his wet fur clung to his face and his eyes were stretched wide in discomfort.

"StarClan, I hope this is worth it." Buckheart groaned, following Crowfur's lead. He dropped suddenly and the river swallowed the mighty tom. It only took three heartbeats before his enormous head broke the surface. What was once caked in dry mud was now a shimmering orange. He followed Crowfur to the bank of the river and both cats shook out their fur.

"Well?" Crowfur asked, turning to Feathertail and Frostcloud. Both cats had obviously been skunked, but the smell was nowhere near as sharp as it was before.

"It's much better." Frostcloud grinned.

"She's right." Feathertail purred. "Why don't you two dry off? We have extra chamomile in the medicine den. Maybe at sunhigh you two can roll in chamomile mud."

"You think it'll help?" Crowfur asked skeptically.

"Well, it'll help mask the skunk a little more." Feathertail considered, "Catmint would be better, but that's far too valuable an herb to use on simply an unpleasant smell."

"'Unpleasant.'" Buckheart gagged with his tongue out his tongue sticking out, "That's one way to put it."

"It's worth a shot, Feathertail." Crowfur said, dipping his head. "Now, Frostcloud and Buckheart, let's go look for Dustclaw."

The three warriors followed the rivers bank then split away into the woods. Frostcloud follower the two toms- both having been with Dustclaw when the skunk attacked.

The pine above protected the cats from most of the drizzle. Only a few droplets made it to the forest floor, which was squishy under the warriors paws. It smelled like leaf mold and earthy soil. The world was blue and grey.

Steel gorse came in sight. "This is where we were separated." Crowfur said, coming to a hault.

"Are you sure?" Buckheart asked.

"Yes, this is the boulder Dustclaw found the skunk." Crowfur said certainly. Frostcloud eyed the stone that broke between PineClans side of the border and the unknown territory beyond.

Frostcloud could pick up Leafear's scent. Fainter than that was Whitestar, Ferretpaw, and Foxpaws. But not Dustclaws.

"Which way did you see him run?" Frostcloud asked the other two.

"It all happened very quickly." Crowfur said. "But I believe this way." He followed the steel gorse. The leaves this path were upturned- but so was the entirety of the forest floor from this storm.

"I think we should scatter." Frostcloud said after a few moments of aimless wandering. "We'll never catch his scent or trail- we need to look for his shelter."

Buckheart nodded, "I think she's right."

Crowfur nodded, then simultaneously the cats left in three different directions.

They weren't too far from The Willow. Both Buckheart and Crowfur left in directions leading more towards Little Cave or The Hive. Froscloud opted for the training grounds. If Dustclaw went anywhere, it would probably be a major point in PineClan territory he'd take shelter. And though the clearing would offer no relief from last night's wind- he could have hidden under the roots of the mighty tree.

Frostcloud cried the warriors name as she trekked through the forest but there came no response. Where could he have gone? She wondered to herself. The more time went by the more anxious she was starting to feel over this situation. There was not a trace of the ferocious cat in this forest- had he really been swept away in the storm? Dustclaw was an unstoppable force... but so was the unyielding storm.

Frostcloud paced into the clearing that surrounded The Willow. The long grass- normally a brilliant type of white- seemed grey under the heavy clouds. The meadow danced in the gentle wind. Out of the protection of the trees, raindrops coated Frostclouds pelt and made her fur stick uncomfortably to her skin. The pond ahead was distended and rippled under the rain.

She neared the lone tree but there was no sign of life. "Dustclaw!" Frostcloud howled into the roots, but what little shelter there was was empty and without a trace of younger warrior.

After flicking her tail, Frostcloud started her walk back to camp. It was getting late and it was more than possible that Dustclaw had made his own way home already.

Though her optimism was short lived.

As Frostcloud walked back into camp, her Clanmates shot to look at her optimistically. But seeing her enter through the tunnel alone, their heads fell and the air became heavier.

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