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Seven dusk's passed since the notion to attack MarshClan's camp came to attention. PineClan grew restless as Whitestar carefully made a decision, consulting with Crowfur and the medicine cats over the days to make the best choice he could for the cats he led.

Frostcloud sat with Mosspool under Clanrock. The queen groomed Littlekit gently. The two-moon old she-kits yellow eyes grew heavy under her mother's rasping tongue.

Smallkit had fallen asleep already, leaning against Frostclouds side she slept gently and the two shared warmth. A purr welled from deep inside Frostcloud, and a protective feeling soaked her heart.

Buckheart and Needlepelt padded towards Clanrock. In Buckheart's strong jaws, he carried a male duck by the neck. The creature was limp, and Frostcloud's mouth watered. What a delicacy!

"Who caught that?" Mosspool asked with perked ears. Buckheart set the foul down before spitting out a loose feather that stuck to his tongue. Frostcloud twitched her whiskers at the sight of her oaf.

Needlepelt chirped, "It was Crowpaw! Who knew he had such a skill?"

The warriors turned their attention to Crowfur, who sat with Whitestar and Sunfur near the leaders den. His bright yellow eyes caught Mosspool's, Frostcloud noticed, and he dipped his head towards his former apprentice.

"He asked me to bring it to you." Buckheart said to Mosspool, "'It's not easy being a queen in this time of crisis' he said."

"When do you think he'll announce his decision on an attack on MarshClan?" Frostcloud asked.

"Soon, from what I overheard." Buckheart responded, taking a seat by the smaller she-cat. Mosspool pulled the duck closer to her, and began to pull the feathers from the bird.

Littlekit whined, "Stop moving so much."

Mosspool rolled her eyes, "Oh hush." She said, "If you want to try duck you'll have to let me de-feather it." 

Littlekit rose to her little paws. She gave a careful sniff to the bird, then to her mother, "I haven't had this before, have I?"

"No." Frostcloud replied on behalf of Mosspool, "Ducks aren't particularly common in PineClan."

"They like to swim- so they mostly gather at a large pond in ValleyClan." Buckheart added. His orange eyes trailed to Frostcloud's belly, where Smallkit still slept. Her paws twitched. Frostcloud noticed the large toms eyes soften, and her heart pounded when he looked up to match Frostcloud's gaze longingly.

Frostcloud sighed deeply. She could almost remember a time so long ago, when she herself was still a 'paw, Mosspaw taught Frostpaw, Buckpaw, and Littlepaw how to pull the feathers from a bird. A dove, Frostcloud thinks it was, though she couldn't quite remember. Times were so simple then. Frostcloud's main concern at the time was an embarrassing conversation she'd had in front of a Stonecat. There was no conversation of murder and deceit between the Clan's. Littlefern was still here. Frostcloud hadn't even had her first dream of Bailey- the deaf she-cat.

"Wake up, Smallkit." Frostcloud urged, using her back paw to gently prod the sleeping kit awake.

She yawned, and blinked the sleep from her eyes. "What's that?" She croaked, looking at the bird.

"A duck!" Littlekit replied quickly, "They don't come to PineClan very much because they like ValleyClan's pond."

"Very good." Mosspool praised her daughter.

Before long, the queen had formed a pile of feathers next to her. Needlepelt took the first eager bite, "Mm!"

The warriors and the kits shared after. Eating slowly, savoring every bite they took.

Much too soon, the duck was finished. Frostcloud licked the last of the flavor from her lips. Buckheart purred, "Good?" He asked Frostcloud.

"Delicious." She responded with a twitch in her whiskers. She leaned forward, and gave Buckheart's cheek a lick. Then another. 

He purred at first, then suddenly shot back, "Are you eating duck off me?"

Mosspool and Needlepelt each stifled their purrs at the entirely accurate accusation, and Frostcloud scratched her ear with a shine in her eye.

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