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Guilt made made Frostclouds stomach cold. She and Riverpelt waited at the gorse entrance for the other warriors to assemble for their dawn border control. Outside the apprentice den, Leafear groomed Foxpaw and Ferretpaw gently. Dustclaw had been missing for almost a moon now. In too short a time Foxpaw had lost her brother, then father, in two separate incidents.

Every day, Frostcloud watched Foxpaw feign strength and bravery for her sister, her mother, and her Clan. But in lonely moments she could spot her apprentice quietly cope with her grief herself.

Needlepelt crept from the elders den and sat down tiredley outside. Foxpaw noticed him too and leapt to her paws before she quickly bounded to the frail old tom. She said something to him, then hurried to collect him a kill. She came back to Needlepelt and set a mouse down before him, using her paw to nudge it closer to him. After a few moments, he took a bite.

He chewed, but halfway before he was done he started speaking curtly to Foxpaw. Though Frostcloud could only catch a few random words, it didn't seem to make any sense. "Riverbed rabbit.... inside the stone.... my mother...."

Foxpaw nodded, saying something to Needlepelt then nudged the mouse closer to him.

Frostcloud bumped Riverpelt with her shoulder. "I am so proud of her."

"She's going to be a mighty PineClan warrior." Riverpelt mused, "She's grown so much since becoming your apprentice, Frostcloud."

"Have you been waiting long?" Buckheart asked as he approached the two she-cats with Warmheart close behind him. Her red, fluffy coat gently swayed in the breeze like the coziest fire.

"Not long at all." Riverpelt chirped. "We were just talking about Foxpaw."

"Oh, those poor she-cats." Warmheart said quietly. To lose her son in such a horrific way, and then to never know what happened to her mate... has changed Leafear. Not to mention Foxpaw and Ferretpaw, who have experienced more loss in their short life than any cat should experience in the entirety of theirs.

Frostcloud gave Warmheart a discreet glance as she continued to watch Leafear sadly. Dustclaw was her son- her own heart must be panged from a great loss. But much like Foxpaw, she put on a strong front. She was an older and wiser warrior but Frostclpud could still hear her toss and turn all night long pondering what happened to her kit.

The border patrol waited quietly for a moment, offering silent prayer to StarClan, before they made their way out the camps entrance and into the extensive forest just beyond their walls.

They started with MarshClans border, re-scenting and checking for trespassing. They slowly made their way past Sun Stones- towards StoneClans border. Riverpelt and Warmheart took the lead, chattering, while Frostcloud and Buckheart walked close together behind them.

"Littlekit has been poking her head in the warriors den, you know." Riverpelt purred to Warmheart, "Those two are sure getting bigger and more curious by the day."

"Oh, how I love kits." Warmheart said gently with her tail high in the air. "There's not a bigger blessing in this world than those tiny little paws."

Frostcloud found herself purring too. In just a few short moons, probably not long after the first snow, those two kits would be learning to feed and protect their Clan. When, not long ago, they were just little balls of defenseless fuzz.

Every time Frostcloud saw them her heart swelled in pride and awe. With each day they became more and more their unique selves.

Littlekit was curious, brave, silly, and eager to learn everything and anything. Smallkit was reserved, level-headed, patient, diligent. They had their entire lives ahead of them and their little world's would soon expand from the safety of camp.

Would they grow as big as Buckheart? Would they be as wise as Sunfur? As quick as Duskfur? As strong as Leafear? As loving as Dawnheart? As brave as Duskfur?

Frostcloud rubbed her face on a pine as her thoughts continued to wander. "Crowfur and I have been talking about kits." Warmheart said to Riverpelt.

"More kits?" Buckheart teased from where he sat next to Frostcloud.

"Yes," Warmheart purred loudly as she approached her first son and touched her nose to his, "All my kits have turned into the mightiest Pinecats, haven't they?"

"She makes a good point." Frostcloud teased while she flicked Buckheart with her tail.

"It'll be my last litter." Warmheart added with a sigh, "I'm getting a little too old to keep up with kits, it won't be too long till I join Needlepelt in his den."

The entire patrol rolled their eyes. "Oh, hush Warmheart." Buckheart scoffed, "My kit will be a 'star before you make it to the elders den."

Frostcloud nodded. Warmheart was one of PineClan's oldest warriors- but her Clan had experienced great loss before Frostcloud came to be. Warmheart was far from a senior war-

Frostcloud's thoughts stopped suddenly and her fur became hot. My kit. Buckheart said. Her eyes widened and she looked at the tom, who continued to speak to Warmheart about having another litter.

Buckheart wanted kits?

Frostcloud's heart beat on her chest as she imagined Buckheart waltzing through camp with a tiny orange-and-white kit followed no taller than his hock.

She liked the idea, she couldn't help but admit it... she and Buckheart could have a tiny army to nurture, love, teach, guide... and those itty bitty paws would grow and become mighty PineClan warriors and lead extraordinary lives. Much like Smallkit and Littlekit were preparing to do themselves. Would her kits be friends with Mosspool's? Maybe they would even end up mentoring Frostcloud's kits one day.

"Frostcloud?" Came Riverpelt.

"Hm?" Frostcloud asked.

The other warriors twitched their whiskers in amusement. "I asked if you were ready to return to camp?"

"Oh, yes!" Frostcloud dipped her head.

"Lost in thought?" Buckheart asked as the cats began to mosy home.

"Yes, I was just thinking about the Gathering." Frostcloud lied with a hot pelt. She wasn't about to ask Buckheart more about his desire for kits in front of her mother and his.

"Oh, yes, it's coming up soon. Should be much less awkward than the last one." Riverpelt considered.

She was probably right. PineClan and MarshClan had been completely intolerant towards eachother for moons and moons now. Even after the battling had stopped, tension was high. But by the end of the Gathering at least Frostcloud and Pebblepaw had been able to exchange kind words to eachother.

She suddenly hoped she would attend the Gathering and be able to hear of the apprentices growth in his own journey.

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