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      Perched outside of the warriors den, Frostcloud kept her green eyes on the sky. There was not a single cloud covering the glittering stars and the night was so black the darkness hummed.

  The dirt beneath Frostcloud's pads was chill, but in a way that soothed the anxious heat that radiated from her skin.

  Her eyes dropped to the apprentice den. Foxpaw and the others must be sleeping, she considered. I should be too. But the nervous excitement of tomorrow kept her heart too alive to rest.

  Foxpaw was stuck with her for the next several moons until she became a warrior herself. I want her to like me... But she wants to be a good fighter, and I'm better at hunting.

  Guilt clogged Frostcloud's throat as she imagined the disappointment Foxpaw must have felt when she was called to be her mentor. Not to mention Dustclaw and Leafear's.

  Frostcloud almost jumped upon movement. She swung herself around to spot a warrior pulling herself from the den, her eyes wide like saucers upon landing on Frostcloud herself. "Doeface?" Frostcloud asked with a tilt in her head. Why was she awake?

  She wasn't nervous about Ferretpaw, was she?

  "What are you doing out here?" Doeface asked, clearly uneasy and startled.

  "I just, uh, wanted to think." Frostcloud stuttered, "Are you okay?"

  "Uh-huh!" Doeface answered quickly, "I just needed to, er, make earth."

  Frostcloud twitched her ears. Was she embarrassed? "Oh, okay." She just began to say, but Doeface's attention was already on the fresh-kill pile, which consisted a squirrel and a shrew. Her eyes uncertainty flickered to Frostcloud before she sped-walked from camp. Her tail was low, and her ears uncomfortable and close to her head; which she kept at level with her shoulders.

  Frostcloud eyed the medicine cat den and considered if she should bring Doeface's behaviour to the residents attention. She looked like she felt sick and uncomofortable, but maybe she was just anxious? Doeface wouldn't want the entire Clan to know how nervous she was for an apprentice- Frostcloud could relate to that.

  "Frostcloud?" Mosspool yawned as she pulled herself from the warriors den. Frostcloud flicked her ears in greeting as her friend took a seat next to her. "What are you doing out here?"

  "Foxpaw." Frostcloud murmured, her initial worries suddenly returning to her in a wave. Then, "What are you doing up?"

  Mosspool gave a roll in her eyes, "Doeface stepped on my tail on her way out. I didn't realize you left till just now."

  "Yeah, she was in a hurry to leave." Frostcloud agreed. Had she ever seen the warrior so fidgety? "I thought maybe she was worried about Ferretpaw."

  Mosspool stayed quiet for a moment. A very faint breeze ruffled her fur and for some heartbeats the cats sat side-by-side in silence. "I'm pretty excited for my first apprentice." She said quietly.

  "Do you want Foxpaw?" Frostcloud teased. Then after Mosspool stifled a purr she went on, "It is kind of odd both Doeface and Slatethorn each got their first apprentices before you." Mosspool was older than both the warriors. Older than Frostcloud even- but she had yet to have her first apprentice.

  "Oh, I told Whitestar I couldn't have an apprentice a half-moon ago." Mosspool said simply.

  Frostcloud cocked her head. Why would Mosspool tell Whitestar she couldn't have an apprentice if she wanted one? "Why?"

  Mosspool shifted the weight on her feet. "Don't tell anyone yet- not even Buckheart."

  Frostcloud pricked her ears and leaned closer, "What is it?" She asked, curiosity and some nervousness  making her voice quiet.

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