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"Would you like me to join you to the medicine den?" Buckheart asked quietly, as to not disturb the other warriors who were beginning to shuffle in their nests. Gentle, early dawn light was beginning to cast into the den from the entrance, and specks of dust that floated in the air caught off its morning glow like little stars.

A half-moon had passed since the Gathering. Once every several days, Frostcloud would visit the medicine cats and inform them of any changes in how she felt day-to-day before she left to join border or hunting patrols. If Buckheart wasn't needed right away, he would join her in her visits.

Frostcloud lightly touched her nose to Buckheart's cheek, but pulled away in a gasp. "They're kicking!" She whispered to the tom, who's eyes lit in delight upon the news. Just days ago, the kits growing in Frostcloud began to kick and move around inside of her. It scared her at first, as she thought something was wrong, but had been with Mosspool at the time who told her that they were just getting big enough to move. Since then, every movement inside her made Frostcloud's heart flip in excitement.

Purring loudly, Buckheart rested his chin on his mates belly. "I feel them." He said in awe. Across the den, Cricketlegs and Riverpelt watched the two warriors with glowing eyes. Buckheart's rumbling purr echoed off the walls of the den. One of Crowfur's yellow eyes peeked open from the black void of his fur.

"Come on," Frostcloud teased, "Let's go before you wake the entire Clan."

Brisk air touched Frostcloud's face as she emerged from the den and into a new day. The smell of dew and crisp air filled her lungs.

"Oh, wow." Riverpelt said as she exited the den after Buckheart and padded into the clearing. Frostcloud followed her gaze to the sky.

Straight above, the dawn was grey-blue. However, surrounding the entire horizon, there was a wall of puffy deep-red clouds. They fully circled the edge of the world, compeletely surrounding the Clan, unbreaking. The center of the sky was completely clear and untouched by the clouds.

Frostcloud shook out her coat, then used her paw to straighten her whiskers before she and her mate made way for the medicine den. Buckheart used the opportunity to do the same.

Side by side, the two padded towards the medicine den. Inside, Feathertail was speaking. "Blood looms beyond the Clans."

A wave of anxiety overtook Frostcloud, who cast a weary glance to Buckheart. His nervous eyes matched hers for just a moment before he pushed forward and turned the corner into the medicine den. Frostcloud followed after. Inside, Whitestar was speaking to the healers that occupied the space.

"What does that mean?" He asked, "Danger always lurks beyond the Clans."

At once, the three cats swung their head to the approaching warriors.

"Frostcloud." Dawnheart greeted distractedly, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes." Frostcloud replied. Her eyes shifted between the three cats before her uncertainly.

"Good." Dawnheart said, "May I find you in a bit to discuss any changes?"

"Yes." Came Frostcloud. Then, taking the hint, she and Buckheart turned tail and retreated from the den.

"Have you had any dreams?" Whitestar asked when the warriors left his sight.

Fear pricked Frostcloud's paws and belly like fireants. Worried, she caught Buckhearts eye again. Desperately, she wanted to stay hidden and listen to what the most sacred cats had to say to eachother, but knew better than to disrespect them by eavesdropping.

"That sounded like a prophecy." He observed quietly. He looked much more collected than Frostcloud felt, but she didn't fail to detect the nervousness in his eyes and voice.

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