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      Buckheart, Mosspool, and Frostcloud laid beneath the overcast sky sharing a large squirrel. Surrounding them, Clan life bustled.

  Warmheart and Riverpelt had just left camp. Meanwhile, Whitestar cleaned his battle wounds while Dawnheart next to him chatted with Feathertail.

  Sunfur and Crowfur shared tongues near the apprentice den, and not far off Dustclaw, Badgerpaw, and Foxpaw practiced battle moves.

  Doeface, Ferretpaw, Leafear, and Slatethorn were out patrolling the steel gorse surrounding their territory. And the Clan's remaining cats dotted the camp grooming themselves or napping.

  Buckheart took the last few bites of the squirrel, and Frostcloud turned to Mosspool. "Are you still hungry?" She asked.

  Mosspool's eyes darted towards Buckheart for a brief moment, "No, that was plenty." She said.

  "Oh, right." Frostcloud said, using her paw to clean the blood off her whiskers.

  "How's training with Foxpaw going?" Buckheart asked, motioning his chin towards the tortoishell apprentice lunging at her brother. Dustclaw called advice from the sidelines of the scuffle.

  Frostcloud heaved a sigh, "She's like a wasp in my fur."

  Mosspool and Buckheart exchanged amused looks, "I've never heard you say something like that about another cat." Buckheart said, presumably speaking on behalf of Mosspool as well.

  "Always chase away the intruder!" Dustclaw said. At his command, Badgerpaw nipped at Foxpaw's haunches while she attempted an escape.

  "She just has this attitude problem. Crowfur should have been her mentor, or Slatethorn. They both have what it takes to handle such a fox-toothed apprentice." Frostcloud murmured.

  "An attitude problem?" Mosspool repeated.

  "I wonder where she gets it from." Buckheart said sarcastically, his eyes focused on Dustclaw showing his kin how to swipe.

  "Maybe you should ask Cricketlegs how to handle her." Mosspool offered.

  Frostcloud nodded, "Maybe. He does mentor Rosepaw, after all."

  After flicking her tail farewell, Frostcloud picked herself up to her paws and began padding towards the warriors den. She was about to crawl in but was stopped short by the call of her name.

  She swung her head around to find Buckheart bounding towards her. Behind him, Mosspool watched the duo with an excited gleam in her eyes. She blinked at Frostcloud, then hoisted herself to her own feet and began making her way towards the fresh-kill pile.

  "Frostcloud." Buckheart said when he got close enough.

  "Buckheart." Frostcloud returned.

  "Er-" Buckheart paused, "I'm happy to see Mosspool with Slatethorn. They seem so happy together."

  Frostcloud pricked her ears. Did he know she was expecting kits? "I am too." She said, urging the tom to elaborate.

  He gave the front of his chest an awkward lick. Does he not know I already know? Frostcloud wondered. He couldn't ask Mosspool himself if he's only asking me on a hunch. "Is everything okay?" She pressed.

  "Yes." The tom answered quickly, "I just wonder- er, rather, I was wondering if you ever think about what it's like to find a cat you like that much."

  Frostcloud sent thanks to StarClan when she didn't flinch at the comment. Was he referring to her past feelings for Smudge? Or was he still hinting towards Mosspool's kits?

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