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The warriors den smelled like sulfur and murk. Frostcloud crept in, doing her best not to scrunch her face in disgust as Buckheart caught her eye sheepishly. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt the feelings of the warriors who'd been sprayed. Frostcloud would want the same sympathy if it had been her- and it just as easily could have been.

If the weather weren't so bad, the skunked cats could shelter elsewhere till the awful odor faded away. But in this storm, the safest place for them was in the den. No matter how unbearable the stench was- their lives and comfort were far more important.

An empty nest caught Frostcloud's eye. Next to it, Leafear kneaded the rim of her own moss bed anxiously. "Is Dustclaw not back yet?" Frostcloud blurted out.

Leafear shook her head, "No, not yet." Her posture was low in fear, and the drying mud that caked her body made her physically meek.

Slatethorn looked past Frostcloud, who still waited at the entrance, at the unrelenting storm outside. His yellow eyes were uncertain, and Frostcloud's heart lurched. Not much could stop Dustclaw... Any other day his absence wouldn't bat an eye. But in this wind and rain...

The warriors turned to Crowfur, who was already on his paws. "I'll let Whitestar know." The tom said, "But in this weather I can't expect he'll allow a search patrol."

The tom pushed past Froustcloud. He stumbled in the immediate impact of the unforgiving wind. His muddy body was barely visible in the dark outside amidst the rain, and after a few pawsteps he had vanished completely. Leafear had risen now and was beginning to anxiously pace in a small circle.

Frostcloud approached Buckheart and took her place next to the mighty, stinky tom. The mud slowly dried into his fur and it became tight and cracked on his body. She cast him an uncertain glance, then shifted her sight to Riverpelt and Cricketlegs across the den, who were watching Leafear carefully.

"Leafear-" came Warmheart. But she was cut off as the white warrior flashed abruptly venomous yellow eyes, " We can't leave him!" She said said raising her voice, "The rain will wash away his scent! We have to find him! My kits need their father!"

The den was quiet for a moment. "Leafear..." Sunfur spoke up gently, "His scent is already gone. It's too dangerous to go out like this. Not even the mightiest warrior can battle a storm."

Leafear's strong shoulders were tense from the frustration. "Foxpaw and Ferretpaw can not lose their father too!" She repeated with a crack in her voice.

Guilt made Frostcloud's heart sink. She pressed into Buckheart as if it would warm the cold worry welling inside her. Leafear took several harsh pawsteps towards the dens entrance before Warmheart swiftly blocked her path. "Where are you going, Leafear?"

"To find him myself!" The warrior spat with a defiant lift in her chin.

"Leafear," Slatethorn said gently, taking a step towards his brothers mate, "just look at that storm outside." He urged.

Leafear looked past Warmheart to the uncontrollable squall outside. The heavy rain was whipped in the current of the howling wind. Trees lashed around to the flow of the storm- their leaves were ripped away and twigs were carried off in the wind.

Her frame shrank. It was too dangerous to tread PineClan's territory. Dustclaw's scent would be long gone by now. He wouldn't be able to hear his Clanmates call his name over the howling wind, and the downpour kept the cats from seeing more than a tree length ahead of them.

"I'm certain he found shelter." Warmheart consoled the warrior as she pressed her nose into her muddy shoulder. "If one thing about my son is true it's that he's stronger than any storm."

Leafear nodded reluctantly. As she did, Crowfur returned to the den. The mud that caked Buckheart and Leafear was almost completely dry, but Crowfur spending just a few seconds in the rain kept the sludge that clung to his fur soaked.

The warriors looked at the deputy expectantly. His tail lashed in discomfort as he fought every instinct to shake out his coat in the den. "Storms this harsh don't last long- the moment it subsides we'll search for Dustclaw. It's too dangerous for us to leave camp- let alone our dens right now. I'm sorry Leafear."

She sighed and paused before responding. "You're right, Warmheart," she said softly, "he'd have found shelter. We'll find him soon."

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