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Halfstar had died, PineClan learned after Whitestar returned from MarshClan. Frostcloud didn't know it at the time, but it wasn't Silvertooth that had saved her hunting patrol the day Badgerpaw died; it was Silverstar.

Frostcloud pressed between two bushes and their dry, dying leaves roughly scraped against her fur. Since Whitestar left for MarshClan eight dawns ago now, there hasn't been a single attack. Though both Clan's still obsessively patrolled the border and tension was still very much alive, there hasn't yet been a skirmish.

"Are you excited about tonights Gathering?" Frostcloud asked while Foxpaw chewed on her pad. They rested at Dead Tree, taking a break from battle training.

This was Foxpaw's second day returning to apprentice duties, though Frostcloud knew the younger she-cat was still grieving, and hadn't given Foxpaw many dull chores in hopes of raising her spirit. 

She shrugged. This would be her first Gathering without Badgerpaw, Frostcloud knew. She only wished she could ease off some of the apprentice's burden.

"He would have made a strong warrior." Frostcloud said. Foxpaw closed her eyes and nodded. Frostcloud had tried to talk about Badgerpaw in precious days, but Foxpaw hadn't seemed like she wanted to talk about him.

"I just miss him." The apprentice said quietly. "Camp's so quiet without him."

Frostcloud licked the back of her apprentice's ears. "StarClan must be pretty rowdy now." Frostcloud mused gently, earning a twitch in Foxpaw's whiskers at the comment.

"How's Ferretpaw?" Frostcloud asked, "And Leafear and Dustclaw?"

Foxpaw looked at her paws, "Leafear's scared, Dustclaw's mad, and Ferretpaw will hardly groom herself- I've been bringing her food every dawn."

"When Littlefern died, Mosspool had to cope by herself." Frostcloud said, "Buckheart and I weren't in camp at the time; we were guiding a deaf cat to Red Barn. Ferretpaw isn't grooming herself- Mosspool hardly ate. You're a brave cat to take care of your sister, Foxpaw, but please remember to take care or yourself too."

Foxpaw didn't say anything for some moments. Then, quietly, "Badgerpaw and I should have stopped when you and the others told us to."

Frostcloud flinched. "Clanlife is dangerous," She began carefully, "none of us knew there was a wolverine in MarshClan. Cats die, Foxpaw, and we can not change that. Clanlife goes on, and we must too. Badgerpaw hunts with StarClan now."

"I miss him." Foxpaw repeated quietly.

Frostcloud rasped her tongue over the backs of Foxpaw's ears, "I know, Foxpaw. You know, I like to think Starcats visit us sometimes." She said, remembering the time so long ago when she got separated from Buckheart and Duskfur in that freezing storm. Frostcloud could have sworn it was Littlefern that had guided her to her friends. It sounded so crazy but... her vision of him felt so real.

"Do you think he's watching now?" Foxpaw asked.

"Maybe." Frostcloud replied.


Stars shimmered in the night sky, casting down on the feral cats in the clearing below. The four Clans gathered and shared news, though three of the leaders had already spoken and it was  Rainstar of StoneClan speaking her final words now.

Frostcloud sat with Riverpelt, Mousefur and Flintflower of StoneClan, and Troutpelt and Nutfur from StoneClan.

Periodically, Frostcloud scanned the area for Foxpaw. She had been inseparable from Ferretpaw since arriving at The Oak, but the two were quiet and well-behaved throughout the evening.

Pebblepaw was here too, Frostcloud had noticed, but she had yet to speak to him. She had caught his green eyes earlier, though they didn't seem inviting.

Noticing the leaders climbing off The Oak, Frostcloud turned to her mother, "I'll be just a moment." She said.

"Of course." Riverpelt nodded.

Frostcloud padded quickly towards the MarshClan apprentice. He had grown tremendously since the last time the she-cat had seen him, and was well larger than Frostcloud now. "Pebblepaw." Frostcloud greeted.

The tom fidgeted lightly, "Frostcloud." He returned. His Clanmates, Beepaw and Spiderfang, cast each other uncertain glances.

Frostclouds pelt began to heat under the eyes of several cats. She gave several nervous flicks of the tail, and Pebblepaw's eyes softened. "I'm sorry about Badgerpaw." He said.

Nodding, "Thank you." Came Frostcloud.

Pebblepaw returned the gesture before he and his Clanmates returned to their territory.

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