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"We will not be attacking MarshClan." Whitestar announced from atop Clanrock.

Yowls of outrage and shock burst from the clearing. Dawn's temperate air filled camp, and the sky was clear above. The dry grass surrounding camp brushed together in the arid breeze.

"They've killed my son!" Dustclaw howled. His fur was bristled, and his eyes were livid. Leafear next to him shrank down, Ferretpaw and Foxpaw on either side of her just as broken by their fathers words.

"This war between our Clan's has gone on for too long." Whitestar continued coolly. "I encouraged these attacks from an angry place- I blamed the loss of my daughter on MarshClan. They hadn't killed her- a porcupine did."

Frostcloud's eyes trailed to Crowfur at the base of Clanrock. His eyes scanned his Clanmates, "Whitestar and I made this decision together." He announced loudly, "We do not want any more Pinecat blood to spill over lives we can not take back."

Buckheart shifted his weight next to Frostcloud. "What do you think?" She asked the tom.

He flicked his ears, "I wish we didn't have to lose an apprentice before we put an end to this feud." He said.

"Well I wish MarshClan hadn't fed Doeface poison in exchange for prey." Rosedust scoffed from nearby. Buckheart flicked his ear in irritation but didn't engage.

Frostcloud dug her claws into the ground. She had initially wanted to attack MarshClan's camp. She was outraged they cared so little about one of their own breaking the warriors code but... more than anything she was tired of the constant fear of attack she's felt over the last moons. She was tired of leaving camp to hunt and coming back with a shredded flank from an ambush. She feared Littlekit and Smallkit one day leaving camp with their own mentors and losing an ear to an overexcited, more experienced, battle-hungry Marshcat apprentice.

Examining her other Clanmates, Frostcloud realized that most seemed relieved. They all seemed tired. Were they drained as well? Clanlife meant battling but what was there to gain from this war? Doeface couldn't come back, and now neither could Badgerpaw. Had the tension not been so tight, would he have chased Sparrowpaw so far into her own territory?

"I think Whitestar's making the right decision." Shaleshimmer said to Riverpelt. "This all started because Doeface chose to eat those mushrooms."

"A war over mushrooms," Warmheart scoffed from nearby, "How would Thrush like that?"

Disbelief plastered Dustclaw's face, "Will nothing be done to avenge my sons death?" He snapped, lashing his tail so hard he whipped Needlepelt across the face. Dazed, the elder stepped back. Feathertail pressed his nose into the Needlepelt's flank in an attempt to comfort the tom.

Whitestar held eyes with Dustclaw, "We are not warriors to seek revenge." The leader replied simply, "My decision is final. Crowfur, Dawnheart, Feathertail and I will be leaving for MarshClan briefly to meet with Halfstar."

"Does it only matter when your kin dies, Whitestar?" Dustclaw challenged. 

Frostcloud winced at the harsh words exchanged. How did Foxpaw feel about the news? Was she as grateful as most of the Clan that this was all over, or did she want justice for her only brother? Frostcloud caught Cricketleg's worried eyes from where he sat near the grieving littermates. Her former mentor rose to his paws and padded urgently to Frostcloud while Whitestar spoke up, "It's because of MarshClan your brother Slatethorn survived the wolverine- it had him trapped under a tree and they risked their own lives to lure it away."

Cricketleg's stood next to Frostcloud now, "Are you okay?" He asked.

Frostcloud shrugged, "I'm happy this is over."

Dustclaw was pacing now. "What if this was a trap?" He snapped, "They used mushrooms to kill Doeface, and a wolverine to slaughter Badgerpaw!"

Crowfur stepped forward now, "That's enough, Dustclaw! Blatant accusations are what got us into this mess to begin with."

"Let us remind you your leaders word is law." Sunfur spoke up now, locking her eyes with the younger warrior. 

"This is stag-dung, Whitestar!" Dustclaw spat.

Whitestar didn't so much as flinch from where he stood, "That's enough, Dustclaw. You and your kin are excused from warrior and apprentice duties for the next few dawns, but there will be no more Clancat blood spilled under my watch."

At a loss for words, Dustclaw shoved past his fellow warriors and stormed out of camp. Frostcloud shot her head around to Leafear, who watched wide-eyed where her mate had stormed off. Foxpaw's concerned eyes briefly caught Frostcloud's, but she turned to her mother and started speaking urgently to her. What Foxpaw was discussing, Frostcloud wasn't sure.

Whitestar scanned the clowder below. "Duskfur- follow Dustclaw. You don't need to approach him but keep an eye on him. StarClan knows where that wolverine is now."

Duskfur nodded curtly and sped out the gorse tunnel after the white and brown tom. Whitestar climbed off of Clanrock, Crowfur and the medicine cats meeting him at the bottom. "Shaleshimmer, keep an eye on Needlepelt while we're gone." Dawnheart instructed. 

She amber-eyed she-cat dipped her head, then raised her tail as she padded towards the elder. "Do you want to share a squirrel with me, Needlepelt?" She asked the tom. Meanwhile, Whitestar and company melted from camp and left for MarshClan. 

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